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Item 3.2 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS November 6, 2008 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR AN ADDITION AND REMODEL TO AN <br />EXISTING RESIDENCE, A NEW SHED, REMOVAL OF A BARN AND <br />REMOVAL OF A HERITAGE OAK TREE; LANDS OF GLASSMAN; 2000 <br />OLD PAGE MILL ROAD; #230-08-ZP-SD. <br />FROM: Cynthia Richardson, Consulting Planner <br />APPROVED BY: Debbie Pedro, Planning Director��l <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Approve the requested Site Development Permit, subject to the recommended conditions <br />in Attachment 1. <br />=61 <br />The subject property is located on the west side of Old Page Mill Road. The property is <br />accessed via a long panhandle. Surrounding uses include single-family homes on <br />adjacent parcels to the east and south and Stanford Lands to the north and west. Existing <br />development on this 10.8 acre property includes a 5,138 sq. ft. two story main residence, <br />a swimming pool, a pool house, a bam, a yurt, two sheds, and a tennis court. A long <br />panhandle driveway services the property. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing <br />barn, replace one of the existing shed with a new 494 sq. ft. shed and construct a 326 sq. <br />ft. addition to the main residence. <br />On September 28 of 2006, the Town of Los Altos Hills entered into an agreement with <br />the Crozier Hogle Estate to place the entire property into a Conservation Easement and <br />Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants. The property has since been sold and the new <br />owner Lucille Glassman wishes to make some minor alterations to the property. The <br />restrictions require that any alterations or additions to the main house or accessory <br />structures be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Site Data: <br />Gross Lot Area: <br />10.82 acres <br />Net Lot Area: <br />9.88 acres <br />Average Slope: <br />33.5.% <br />Lot Unit Factor: <br />5.356 <br />