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Item 3.3
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
November 6, 2008
Item 3.3
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/20/2016 4:12:21 PM
Creation date
1/14/2015 2:30:30 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.3
Site Development Permit for a New Residence and Pool; Lands of Askarinam; 27198 Elena Road; File #203-08-ZP-SD-GD.
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Attachment 2 <br />Nicole Horvitz <br />From: Ynita Belani [ <br />Sent Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:47 PM <br />To: Nicole Horvitz <br />Cc: Debbie Pedro <br />Subject: Objection to plans of Askarinam for proposed new house at 27198/27174 Elena Road <br />Dear Nicole. <br />Thank you sharing the proposed building plans for new house to be built by Behzad and Louise <br />A `karinam at 27198/27174 Elena Road. <br />Thank you also for giving me a flyer about the notice of fast track public hearing which I have to date <br />not received either from my neighbor or by mail. <br />Please consider this email a formal objection lodged against the proposed plan for the new house on the <br />following grounds - <br />We live at Los Alto Hills, CA 894022 <br />Our property shares a long common boundary with the above mentioned Askarinam property. <br />We object to the proposed plan for a new house on the grounds that having a second floor reaching the <br />height of 27 feet and a balcony/patio on that second floor will completely destroy our privacy. <br />The proposed house will sit directly uphill of our house and the windows and the balcony of the second <br />story will look directly into our property. <br />Anyone in the second floor of that house will have complete visual access to our property, We will have <br />no privacy in our back yard and pool area <br />Anyone will be able to see into our master bedroom and bathroom, not to mention our living room and <br />kitchen and downstairs master bath. <br />Currently, the existing single story house would also encroach on our property's privacy if it were not <br />for high foliage along the fence. This high foliage which we were obliged to plant in our lot, is already <br />so high that it blocks most of our sunlight and view. We have issues with permanent damp areas <br />resulting in moss and mould in our back yard as a result of the existing foliage. <br />It would require a very significant increase in height in terms of foliage to provide privacy if the <br />proposed plan were to be implemented since the lot is on the same slope but higher up to ours. That <br />would mean very little to no sunlight in our backyard and a complete obliteration of the view and the <br />sky from all of our back facing windows. <br />You can well understand that this proposed house would seriously impact the quality of our lives in <br />comparision to today and would result also in a significant drop in market value of our home. <br />We purchased this property because we were drawn to the fact that it was quiet and private without <br />being walled in, fenced in, or otherwise constrained. We really enjoy sharing open boundaries with our <br />neighbors. We have a teenage daughter and two teenage sons who need their privacy. <br />10/28/2008 <br />
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