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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Askariaaru <br />27198 Elena Road <br />November 6, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />(1) additional outdoor parking space is located at the front of the new residence outside of <br />the required setbacks. <br />Outdoor Liehtine <br />The applicant is proposing the minimum number of lights fixtures need, one per door and <br />two for double doors. Staff has included condition #11 for outdoor lighting, requiring that <br />fixtures be down shielded, frosted glass, low wattage, and shall not encroach or reflect on <br />adjacent properties. The applicant has submitted lighting specifications indicating that all <br />proposed fixtures will be down shielded or have frosted glass covers to mitigate visibility. <br />Trees & Landscanin¢ <br />Existing vegetation on the property includes two (2) heritage oaks, of 39" and 42" <br />diameter along the front (north) property line. The rest of the property is planted with <br />several fruit trees, two (2) large cedar trees, a maple tree, and some ornamental plantings <br />around the house. <br />Four (4) apricot trees are proposed to be removed as part of the site development <br />application. To ensure that all significant trees will be protected throughout the <br />construction period, staff has included condition of approval #5 requiring that the trees <br />within the vicinity of the construction be fenced for protection. <br />There are a number of trees along the east property line which provide significant <br />screening for the neighbor at 27142 Elena Road. There is currently a fence along this <br />property line which is located approximately one foot to two feet into the subject <br />property. The applicant requests a fence to be built on the shared property line. The trees <br />that are located on or very close to the property line may need to be removed or <br />substantially trimmed to accommodate the proposed fence. <br />A landscape screening and erosion control plan will be required after final framing of the <br />new residence. Due to the neighbors concerns about privacy, staff recommends that the <br />landscape screening application come back to the Commission for review. Furthermore, <br />any landscaping required for screening or erosion control will be required to be planted <br />prior to final inspection, and a maintenance deposit to ensure viability of plantings will be <br />collected prior to final inspection (condition #3). <br />Dramaee <br />Water runoff generated from the new development will be collected in 6" PVC pipe and <br />carried to a detention box then slowly dispersed though a 3" pipe to a dissipation trench <br />located at the front of the property. <br />Pursuant to Section 10-2.503, Drainage Facilities Standards, of the Municipal Code, the <br />Engineering Department has reviewed and determined that the proposed drainage design <br />