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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Askarinam <br />27198 Elena Road <br />November 6, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />complies with Town requirements. The Engineering Deparhnent will review and approve <br />the final drainage plan prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Final "as - <br />built" grading and drainage will be inspected by the Engineering Department, and any <br />deficiencies will be required to be corrected prior to final inspection. <br />Grading <br />Total grading quantities include 535 cubic yards of cut for the driveway, house and pool <br />and 535 cubic yards of fill for the front and rear yard. The Engineering Department has <br />reviewed the proposed grading and concluded that it is in conformance with the Town's <br />grading policy. <br />Neighbor Concerns <br />Since the project was noticed for Fast Track review on October 17, 2008, four neighbors <br />have submitted letters voicing their concerns regarding the project based on the location, <br />size and height of the proposed residence. Below is a summery of the neighbors <br />concerns: <br />12101 Dawn Lane (Lands of Belani) — Loss of privacy from the second story bedrooms <br />and balcony and noise from the pool equipment and air conditioner (Attachment 2). <br />12159 Dawn Lane (Lands of Jawadl) - The proposed residence is incompatible with the <br />neighborhood. Concerns about the visibility, property value, size of the house and pool <br />and the construction noise and traffic (Attachment 3). <br />27142 Elena Road (Lands of Barchas) — The property is on a hilltop and the proposed <br />residence is too large for the site and should be a single story design. Concerns about <br />protecting the existing trees along the shared property line and the noise from the pool <br />equipment and air conditioner (Attachment 4). <br />12100 Dawn Lane (Lands of Perga) — believes the height of the proposed residence is <br />excessive, the proposed house does not fit in with the neighborhood (Attachment 5). <br />Fire Department Review <br />The Santa Clara County Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and is requiring the <br />installation of fire sprinklers throughout the building. <br />Committee Review <br />The Pathways Committee recommends a pathway in -lieu fee which is included as <br />condition #27. <br />The Environmental Design Committee noted that the proposed driveway is under the <br />canopy of two (2) heritage oak trees. The applicant has provided an arborist report for <br />