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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Askarinam <br />27198 Elena Road <br />November 6, 2008 <br />Page 9 of 12 <br />should verify that the mapped bedrock formation (Franciscan <br />Complex) has been confirmed by subsurface exploration at the site. <br />The extent of existing site fill materials to be removed and <br />recompacted should be discussed. Proposed site drainage <br />improvements should be evaluated from a geotechnical perspective <br />to verify that drainage dissipation structures are not located such <br />that they are likely to result in adverse impacts to fill prisms, native <br />slopes or hardscape surfaces. Any appropriate drainage design <br />modifications should be recommended. <br />Consideration should be given to increasing geotechnical design <br />pressures for the pool shell given the moderate to highly expansive <br />site soil conditions. Estimated building settlements should be <br />discussed associated with presented foundation design alternatives. <br />Appropriate documentation to address the above should be <br />submitted to the Town for approval by the Town Geotechnical <br />Consultant prior to acceptance ofplans for building plan check <br />2. Geotechnical Plan Review — The applicant's geotechnical <br />consultant shall review and approve all geotechnical aspects of the <br />project building and grading plans (i.e., site preparation and <br />grading, site drainage improvements and design parameters for <br />foundations, retaining walls and driveway) to ensure that their <br />recommendations have been properly incorporated. <br />The results of the plan review should be summarized by the <br />geotechnical consultant in a letter and submitted to the Town <br />Engineer along with other documentation prior to acceptance of <br />plans for building plan check <br />3. Geotechnical Field Inspection — The geotechnical consultant <br />should inspect, test (as needed), and approve all geotechnical <br />aspects of the project construction. The inspections should <br />include, but not necessarily be limited to: site preparation and <br />grading, site surface and subsurface drainage improvements, and <br />excavations for foundations and retaining walls prior to the <br />placement of steel and concrete. <br />The results of these inspections and the as -built conditions of the <br />project should be described by the geotechnical consultant in a <br />letter and submitted to the Town Engineer for review prior to final <br />(granting of occupancy) project approval. <br />