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• • <br /> RESOLUTION No. 18-08 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS APPLYING FOR MEMBERSHIP TO <br /> THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> INITIATIVES (ICLEI) <br /> WHEREAS, scientific consensus has developed that carbon dioxide CO and other <br /> greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have a profound effect on the Earth's <br /> climate; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on <br /> p g <br /> Climate Change (IPCC) states that it is very likely that most of the observed increases in <br /> globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th <br /> centuryare due to human-induced <br /> greenhouse gas emissions; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2006 the U.S. National Climatic Data Center confirmed clear evidence <br /> of human influences on climate due to changes in greenhouse gases; and <br /> WHEREAS, the U.S. Conference of Mayors endorsed the 2005 U.S. Mayors' Climate <br /> Protection Agreement initiated by Seattle Mayor Nickels and signed by more than 750 <br /> mayors in the United States as of February 2008; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Urban Environmental Accords adopted by local government delegates <br /> during UN World Environment Day 2005 call for reduced emissions through energy <br /> efficiency, land use and transportation planning, waste reduction, and wiser energy <br /> management; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2003 the American Geophysical Union adopted a Statement noting that <br /> human activities are increasingly altering the Earth's climate and that natural influences <br /> cannot explain the rapid increase in near-surface temperatures observed during the <br /> second half of the 20th century; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2001, at the request of the Administration, the National Academy of <br /> Sciences (NAS) reviewed and declared global warming a real problem likely due to <br /> human activities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 2000 U.S. Global Change Research Program's. (USGCRP) First <br /> National Assessment indicated that global warming has begun; and <br /> WHEREAS, 162 countries including the United States pledged under the United Nations <br /> Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions; <br /> and <br />