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Item 3.1 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS October 2, 2008 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />REQUEST FOR AN UNMANNED WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS <br />FACILITY CONSISTING OF SIX (6) PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED TO A <br />65' TALL TREEPOLE AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT. LANDS <br />OF EPISCOPAL LAYMENS GROUP OF LOS ALTOS (AT&T WIRELESS); <br />26410 DUVAL WAY; FILE #139 -08 -CUP -IS -ND. <br />FROM: Brian Froelich, AICP, Associate Planner ZF- <br />APPROVED BY: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Planning Director : R <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission <br />Forward a recommendation that the City Council adopt the attached Initial Study and <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the requested Site Development Permit and <br />Conditional Use Permit, subject to the recommended conditions and findings of approval <br />in Attachments 1, 2, and 3. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject property is owned by the Episcopal Laymen Group of Los Altos. The site is <br />1.03 acres with a moderate 11.7% slope. The property is developed with a church <br />building, accessory Sunday school building, parking lot and driveway. The property is <br />surrounded on three sides by residential properties and Interstate 280 across Duval Way. <br />The nearest residential building is approximately 200 feet away from the proposed <br />treepole. <br />The site currently contains two other wireless providers: T -Mobile and Sprint. The T - <br />Mobile installation is located within the church steeple and Sprint is located within the <br />flagpole onsite. <br />The church building is listed in the Town of Los Altos Hills General Plan as a historic <br />structure. However, the building is not a designated landmark per chapter 1, title 11 of the <br />Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. Also, the proposed treepole and associated equipment <br />would be sited over 100 feet away from the building and will not alter the building's use <br />or architecture. <br />DISCUSSION <br />AT&T Wireless has submitted plans to construct a 65 foot tall treepole, with six (6) panel <br />antennas and ground equipment in an area approximately 100 feet north of the church <br />building. The proposed ground equipment and tree pole will be sited on a 300 square foot <br />concrete pad. The ground equipment will consist of three 2.5' x 4' ground cabinets. The <br />concrete pad and equipment will be screened by a seven (7) foot tall wood slat fence. <br />