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AT&T Wireless <br />26410 Duval Way <br />October 2, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />Co -location will be structurally possible with the proposed treepole and is required per <br />conditions of approval. <br />A radio frequency analysis for the project was prepared by TRK Engineering in May of <br />2008. The report concluded that the proposed AT&T Wireless service and the two <br />existing carriers (T -Mobile in steeple and Sprint in flagpole) on site would collectively <br />comply with the FCC's current prevailing standard for limiting human exposure to RF <br />energy. See full report attached (Attachment 8). <br />The proposed treepole will be purchased from the same manufacturer as the Cingular <br />Wireless treepole at Town Hall and the Verizon Wireless treepole at Westwind Barn. The <br />pole is required to be clad with a material resembling tree bark in texture and contain <br />sufficient artificial vegetation to resemble a mature pine and screen all antennas. <br />Recommended condition #10 also requires that the applicant submit a landscape <br />screening plan for review by the Planning Commission, prior to final inspection. <br />CODE REOUIREMENTS <br />Wireless Communications facilities are regulated under Section 10-1.703 (h) (2) and 10- <br />1.1107 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. The project was also reviewed for <br />compliance with the established requirements in the Wireless Communications Policy <br />including: siting, collocation, screening, and color to ensure that the facility blends with <br />the surrounding area. Procedural code standards also require that all Conditional Use <br />Permits must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council. Findings of <br />approval are attached to this report for Planning Commission review (attachment #2). <br />WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY POLICY <br />The proposed facility is consistent with the Town's Wireless Communications Facilities <br />Policy because the location is a quasi -public facility site. Visual impacts are reduced by <br />the design of the pole and existing mature evergreen trees that partially screen the tree <br />pole and the ground equipment. The 65 foot tall treepole is also designed to accommodate <br />one additional wireless service provider. Conditions of approval require the applicant's <br />structural engineer certify that the wireless communication tower is structurally capable <br />of co -location (subject to a separate CUP review and approval). <br />The Town's Wireless Communications Facilities Policy #6 states: "Any applicant for a <br />wireless communication facility site shall submit applications, to the best of their <br />knowledge, for all sites anticipated to be required by the carrier for a three (3) to five (5) <br />year period, and the requests shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council m a master plan application." AT&T Wireless has submitted a 3-5 year Antenna <br />Master Plan showing all existing AT&T sites, current search areas and, existing and <br />potential coverage in and around the Town's boundaries (Attachment #5). <br />