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AT&T Wireless <br />26410 Duval Way <br />October 2, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH <br />The applicant has sent an invitation to neighbors within 500 feet of the church site to <br />attend an informal meeting at Town Hall to introduce the project (Attachment 47). Eight <br />(8) neighbors attended the September 16, 2008 hearing and expressed opposition to the <br />project. The issues discussed are listed below: <br />• The wireless treepole will reduce their property values <br />• There are too many wireless communications facilities in immediate area and the <br />neighbors request that the applicant seek an alternative location <br />• The proposed installation will degrade the historic value of the site <br />• The existing pine trees on the northern side of the site are dying and will not <br />provide adequate screening in the future <br />• Concerns about landscape screening and maintenance of the screening plants <br />CEOA STATUS <br />Consistent with Wireless Communications Facilities Policy #5 and in conformance with <br />CEQA requirements, staff has prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />for the project. The Initial Study identified one potential impact relating to aesthetics. <br />Based on the analysis contained in the study, the impact will be reduced to a less than <br />significant level with mitigation. A detailed analysis of the potential impacts and <br />mitigation measures are discussed in the Initial Study. (Attachment 43) <br />A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was published in the Town <br />Crier on August 13, 2008. The notice was also submitted to the Santa Clara County <br />Clerks Office for a 20 day public review period which began on August 13, 2008 and will <br />end on September 4, 2008. <br />The proposed project, as conditioned, complies with the Town's Zoning and Site <br />Development Code requirements and Wireless Communication Facilities Policies. The <br />project will benefit the community by improving and expanding cellular telephone <br />coverage in the area. <br />