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MONSOON <br />Plsmiog Commiadon Agenda i <br />Sq miber 4,2008 '. <br />Page 2 <br />3.2 LANDS OF ROELANDTS, 26401 Eshaer Court, File #255-07-ZP-SD- <br />GD; A request fora Site Development Permit for a 5,735 square Soot two <br />story new residence With a2,845 square fooEbasement (maximum height.. <br />26'6'x. The proposal includesthe remo4sl Rf a heritage oak, troe and a <br />request for a Grading Policy exception for the house, sunken terrace and a <br />detached garage. CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per Section <br />15303(a) (staff.Nicole Horvitz)'.. Continued from the July 17, 2008 <br />Planning commission meeting. <br />3.3 LANDS OF EPISCOPAL LAYMAN'S GROUP OF LOS ALTOS <br />(APPLICANT: AT&T WIRELESS), 26,410 Duval Way, File #139 -OS.' <br />CUP -IS -ND; A Site Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit for <br />a Wireless communications facility consisting of six (6) panel antennas <br />mounted to a 65' tree pole and a (14'L x 22'W x 7'H) ground equipment <br />shelter at the church property. CEQA status -Initial Study/Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration (staff-afteri melich). <br />3.4 LANDS OF FBEID, 28160 Story Hill Lane, File #140-08-ZP-SD-GD; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit for a 5,166 square foot two-story <br />residence with a 1,000 square foot basement. The proposal includes <br />removal of one 18" heritage oak tree and a request for a Grading Policy <br />Exception for the driveway and rear yard patio greawith maximum cuts of <br />up to 8 feet where 4 fed is the maximum allowed. CEQA Review: <br />Categorical Exemption Per Section 15303(a) (staf .Brian Froelich). <br />3.5 LANDS OF KENTEHAN, 14555 DeBeil Road, File #77-08-ZP-SD-VAR- <br />CDP; A request for a Conditional' Development Permit for a 2,070 square <br />foot addition (max height 26 fed)and a Variance to allow ore uncovered <br />space to encroach up to 10 fed into the front and 16 fed into the <br />side property line Setbacks, CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per <br />Section 15301(e) (staff -Brian Froelich), <br />4. OLDB rSWSS <br />4.1 Water Conservation Sub -Committee Report — Commissioner <br />I3arpootlian <br />5. NEW BUSINE, S . <br />5.1.. none <br />