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the Town's pathways system"..." on a property which is designated on the Master Path Plan <br />for an off-road pathway...". <br />4) MPP notes recommending that the easement on the existing P.U.E. be retained on the MPP <br />because it is safer than the roadside along Magdalena. Nothing pertaining to the Old Ranch <br />Road easements is included in these MPP notes. <br />These materials show that the Foothill Ranch subdivision was created in 1953 prior to the <br />incorporation of LAH and that the "Equestrian Rights of Way" in the subdivision are intended for <br />use by people living in the subdivision. These easements have not been formally dedicated to the <br />Town. <br />The property owners, John and Catherine Burger, said that they had understood that these <br />Equestrian Rights of Way were only for use of subdivision owners and were not for general <br />public access. They want to keep the easements private. <br />Dave Namyst, a resident of Putter Way (just east of the subdivison in the unincorporated part of <br />Santa Clara County) asked the PWC to reconsider its recommendation and not require these <br />easements. He said the paths are not very useful, are not walkable now and are unlikely to be <br />used. <br />Les Eamest, secretary of the LAH Historical Committee and former PWC member suggested a <br />"top down" approach beginning with a decision about whether or not to amend the MPP for this <br />part of Town and if so, whether or not to include these specific routes. <br />Carol Gottlieb, former PWC member, said that off-road pathways through this area would <br />provide valuable emergency access routes. She further noted that the pathway along the PUE has <br />been is use for years. <br />The PWC discussed the new information presented and the pros and cons of changing the <br />committee's previous recommendation. Issues discussed included: <br />1) The potential value of the proposed pathways through this area and whether they meet the <br />criteria used to select paths to be included in the MPP (e.g., the proposed pathway should <br />provide connectivity, or complete a loop, or have scenic value, or provide emergency access, <br />and should not be redundant). <br />2) Whether this recently annexed part of Town was adequately considered during the 2005 <br />MPP process. Opinions by MPP participants and others differed on this. Mike O'Malley <br />pointed out that this part of Town was annexed in 2002, well before the MPP was completed. <br />3) The need for off-road pathways in this part of LAH, especially to help get pedestrians and <br />riders off Ravensbury, which is a busy narrow road <br />4) Balancing privacy issues and the needs of the community <br />5) Whether to reevaluate this area to try to determine if it warrants amending the MPP <br />Some members of the PWC thought it would be helpful to visit the area again during the <br />Saturday August 23 pathway walk before making a final decision. Chairman Summit suggested <br />possible alternatives that could be brought to a vote: <br />1) Withdraw the committee's previous recommendation requiring that the owners dedicate the <br />pathway easements <br />2) Review the area and consider a possible amendment to the MPP <br />3) Re-visit the site on Saturday and make a final decision on Monday <br />A vote was taken on whether to revisit the area and make a final decision at the PWC meeting on <br />Monday, August 25, 2008. The vote was 6 in favor, 2 opposed, and one abstention. The PWC will <br />revisit the site and make a final decision on Monday, August 25. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM <br />DraftPWC_Min_081908 (2).doc 8/28/08 2 <br />