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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Burger <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Prior to beginning any grading operation, all heritage oak trees, shall be <br />fenced at the drip line. The fencing shall be of a material and structure <br />(chain-link) to clearly delineate the drip line. Town staff must inspect the <br />fencing and the trees to be fenced prior to commencement of grading. The <br />property owner shall call for said inspection at least three days in advance <br />of the inspection. The fencing must remain in place throughout the course <br />of construction. No storage of equipment, vehicles or debris shall be <br />allowed within the drip lines of these trees. Existing perimeter plantings <br />shall be fenced and retained throughout the entire construction period. <br />Prior to requesting the foundation inspection, a registered civil engineer or <br />licensed land surveyor shall certify in writing and state that "the location <br />of the residence and roof eaves and swimming pool are no less than 40' <br />from the front property line and 30' from the side and rear property <br />lines." The elevation of the residence shall be similarly certified in writing <br />to state that "the elevation of the residence matches the elevation and <br />location shown on the approved Site Development plan." The applicant <br />shall submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the Planning Department <br />prior to requesting a foundation inspection. <br />Prior to requesting the final framing inspection, a registered civil engineer <br />or licensed land surveyor shall certify in writing and state that "the height <br />of the new residence complies with the 27'-0" maximum structure height, <br />measured as the vertical distance at any point from the bottom of the <br />crawl space or basement ceiling if excavated below natural grade, to the <br />Highest part of the structure directly above (including roof materials)." <br />The overall structure height shall be similarly certified in writing and state <br />that "all points of the building (including chimneys and appurtenances) lie <br />within a thirty-five (35 ) foot horizontal band based, measured from the <br />lowest visible natural or finished grade topographical elevation of the <br />structure along the building line and the highest topographical elevation <br />of the roof of the structure." The applicant shall submit the stamped and <br />signed letter(s) to the Planning Department prior to requesting a final <br />framing inspection. <br />8. Air conditioning units shall be located a minimum of 40' from the front <br />property line and 30' from the side and rear property lines. <br />9. No new fencing or gates are approved. Any new fencing or gates shall <br />require review and approval by the Planning Department prior to <br />installation. <br />10. If utilized, skylights shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted <br />light. No lighting may be placed within skylight wells. <br />