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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Borger <br />September 6, 2008 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />Works Department prior to submittal of plans for building plan check. An <br />encroachment permit shall be required for all work proposed within the <br />public right of way prior to start work. <br />27. The .._ ..ti ownef she11 dedietite a 10' wide pathway easement ent t_ the <br />Te� eyeE the existing 15' wide pr-Wate "equestrian right of ways" <br />eiRdisation <br />sha4l be signed an <br />netaFi....d by the .. .. te <br />� and ..d nthe T..m% prier te <br />The property owner shall pay a pathway fee of $50.00 per linear foot of the <br />average width of the property, prior to final inspection of the new <br />residence. <br />28. Geotechnical Plan Review - The applicant's geotechnical consultant shall <br />review and approve all geotechnical aspects of the project building and <br />grading plans (i.e., site preparation and grading, site drainage <br />improvements and design parameters for foundations) to ensure that their <br />recommendations have been properly incorporated. The consultant shall <br />review the location and design of proposed drainage structures and <br />dissipaters with respect to adverse impacts on erosion and slope stability. <br />Also, the consultant shall provide appropriate seismic design parameters <br />based on the 2007 CBC to comply with current building code requirments. <br />The results of the Geotechnical Plan review shall be summarized by the <br />geotechnical consultant in a letter and submitted to the Town Engineer for <br />review prior to issuance of building permits. <br />29. Geotechnical Field Inspection - The geotechnical consultant shall <br />inspect, test (as needed), and approve all geotechnical aspects of the <br />project construction. The inspections shall include, but not necessarily be <br />limited to: site preparation and grading, site surface and subsurface <br />drainage improvements, and excavations for foundations and retaining <br />walls prior to the placement of steel and concrete. As part of the field <br />inspection, the consultant shall carefully inspect the basement excavation <br />for indications of faulting or other adverse conditions which may affect the <br />proposed development. Supplemental recommendations shall be provided <br />as necessary to address any faulting hazards or adverse conditions revealed <br />in the excavation. The results of these inspections and the as -built <br />