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3.4 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS September 4, 2008 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE WITH A <br />BASEMENT AND ATTACHED SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT. LANDS OF <br />EBEID; 28160 STORYHB.L LANE; FILE 4140-08-ZP-SD-GD. <br />FROM: Brian Froelich, AICP, Associate Planner Fy�_ <br />APPROVED BY: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Planning Director --�3p <br />RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission <br />Approve the requested Site Development Permit subject to the recommended conditions <br />and findings of approval in Attachments 1 and 2. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject 1.78 acre parcel is bounded by Story Hill Lane and Page Mill Road street <br />frontages on three sides. The site is irregularly shaped with an average width of 113 feet <br />and an average length of 391 feet. The site has relatively steep (29.8% average) cross <br />slopes. Surrounding properties are subdivided and developed with single-family homes, <br />however, the nearest residence is approximately 250 feet away from the proposed <br />building pad. <br />The property was created in 1979 with the Story Hill Lane subdivision (Tract 6518). At <br />that time, the lot was dedicated to the Town with an Open Space Easement. On December <br />14, 2006 the City Council passed a motion to remove the Open Space status of the <br />property and restore the underlying R -A residential -agricultural zoning. The property was <br />subsequently sold to the project applicant on August 28, 2007 for residential <br />development. <br />CODE REOUIREMENTS <br />This application is not eligible for the Fast -Track process under section 10- <br />2.1305.1(a)(3), because the applicant requests a Grading Policy Exception. Specifically, <br />the proposal includes three areas where the maximum cut or fill depth for the driveway <br />and a rear yard area would exceed the Grading Policy maximums and another. The <br />Planning Commission has discretion to allow Grading Policy Exceptions on individual <br />projects. <br />