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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ebnd <br />September 4, 2006 <br />Page 10 of 13 <br />22. The property owner shall inform the Town of any damage and shall repair <br />any damage caused by the construction of the project to pathways, private <br />driveways, and public and private roadways, prior to final inspection and <br />release of occupancy permits and shall provide the Town with <br />photographs of the existing conditions of the roadways and pathways prior <br />to acceptance ofplans for building -plan check <br />23. The property owner shall dedicate a 30' wide half -width public right of <br />way to the Town over Story Hill Lane. The property owner shall provide <br />legal description and plat exhibits that are prepared by a registered civil <br />engineer or a licensed land surveyor and the Town shall prepare the <br />dedication document. The dedication document, including the approved <br />exhibits, shall be signed and notarized by the property owner and returned <br />to the Town prior to submittal ofplans for building plan check. <br />24. The driveway shall be required to be fully constructed and to be roughened <br />where the pathway intersects, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior <br />to final inspection. <br />25. The property owner shall be required to connect to the public sanitary <br />sewer prior to final inspection. A sewer hook up permit shall be required <br />by the Town's Public Works Department prior to submittal ofplans for <br />building plan check. An encroachment permit shall be required for all <br />work proposed within the public right of way prior to start work. <br />26. The property owner shall install a Type IIB path in the right of way along <br />Page Mill Road from Story Hill Lane to the drainage ditch across from <br />Matadero Creek Lane and a Pathway marker be installed. <br />27. Geologic Report — Findings from the recent site Engineering Geologic <br />Investigation shall be summarized in a formal report and submitted to the <br />Town for review and approval by the Town Engineer and Town <br />Geotechnical Consultant, prior to acceptance of plans for building plan <br />check. <br />28. Drainage Design — Detailed grading and drainage plans shall be prepared <br />for the project that result in appropriate interception of concentrated <br />surface drainage above the house site and appropriate conveyance of <br />drainage around the house residence to suitable discharge points. <br />Adequate storm drain pipes or surface ditches shall be confirmed. Final <br />proposed drainage improvement design shall be certified with the stamp of <br />a Civil Engineer and be submitted to the Town for review by the Town <br />Engineer and Town Geotechnical Consultant, prior to acceptance of plans <br />for building permit plan -check. <br />