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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ebeid <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />Driveway and Parkin <br />The applicant proposes to access the property from Story Hill Lane with a standard 14 <br />foot wide driveway. The driveway requires a retaining wall for the proposed cut to <br />maintain acceptable (max 15%) driveway slope up to the garage. The proposed cut at the <br />deepest point along the driveway is 8 feet where the Grading Policy allows driveway cut <br />of 4 feet. The project engineer has examined the entire length of Story Hill Lane for an <br />access point and has determined that this area causes the least amount of grading. <br />Five spaces are required for properties with secondary dwelling units. Five (10' x 20') <br />parking spaces are provided by the proposed two -car garage and three uncovered spaces <br />adjacent to the driveway. <br />Trees and Landscanine <br />The western half of the property is heavily vegetated with oak trees and natural growing <br />shrubs. The proposed building site is moderately vegetated around the perimeter with a <br />variety of trees and shrubs including several oak trees. One heritage (18") oak tree and <br />two other non -oak trees are proposed for removal to accommodate the proposed <br />driveway. A recommended condition of approval requires that the applicant replace the <br />heritage oak tree with three (3)-36" box oak trees at the time of landscape screening. <br />(Condition #3) <br />All heritage oak trees to remain are required to be fenced at the drip line throughout the <br />construction process. (Condition #6) <br />After completion of rough framing and prior to the time of the prior to final inspection by <br />the Planning and Engineering Departments, the applicant is required to submit a <br />landscape screening plan and erosion control plan for Site Development Committee <br />review and all plantings required for screening and erosion control must be installed prior <br />to final inspection. (Condition #2) <br />Outdoor Liahtine <br />All lighting proposed with this plan is outside the required setbacks and are recessed or <br />have frosted glass per the manufacturer specifications provided. Landscaping lighting will <br />be reviewed with the landscape plan. <br />Gradin <br />Total grading quantities include 2,510 cubic yards of cut and 700 cubic yards of fill. The <br />Engineering Department has reviewed the grading plan and has concluded that the <br />applicant proposes cuts of up to eight (8) feet in the two locations and fill up to four (4) <br />feet in one location: <br />