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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ebeid <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />• Driveway Access -the Grading Policy allows a maximum cut of four (4) feet and <br />fill of three (3) feet for driveways. Due to the steep slopes along Story Hill Lane, <br />the proposal includes eight (8) feet of cut and four (4) feet of fill for the driveway. <br />The total area of the Grading Policy Exception for the driveway is approximately <br />1,410 square feet. <br />• Backyard Area -the Grading Policy allows a maximum of four (4) feet of cut for <br />yard areas. The proposal includes eight (8) feet of cut for an outdoor yard area <br />behind the residence. The total area of the Grading Policy Exception for the yard <br />area is approximately 1,087 square feet. <br />The Grading Policy is used by staff in evaluation of development projects and making <br />recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Policy provides <br />that individual sites may dictate a need to deviate from the criteria, to the extent permitted <br />by the Planning Commission or City Council. <br />The proposed driveway meets minimum slope standards and appears to be the best design <br />to gain access to the site. The Town Engineer will not allow access from Page Mill Road <br />due to traffic safety concerns and the property frontage on Story Hill Lane is limited by a <br />steep embankment adjacent to the road. <br />The proposed grading for the rear yard area is not a required element for construction of a <br />single-family home but does provide an outdoor living space behind the house with <br />reduced noise. The additional grading allows the applicant a flat rear yard area that is <br />approximately 30 feet wide as opposed to 20 feet wide (allowed per Grading Policy). The <br />property is limited by slopes up to 30% and street frontage along 98% of the property. <br />Drainage <br />Pursuant to Section 10-2.503, Drainage Facilities Standards, of the Municipal Code, the <br />Engineering Department has reviewed and determined that the proposed drainage design <br />complies with Town requirements. Water runoff generated from the proposed <br />development will be collected in a detention basin and metered to a rock outfall to the <br />East of the building site. <br />The property also receives runoff from Page Mill Road and the hillside above. The <br />project engineer proposes a swale to intercept and direct water around the building <br />perimeter to a rock outfall. <br />Geotechnical Review <br />The Town's Geotechnical consultant, Cotton and Shires Associates, has reviewed the <br />project plans and geotechnical documents provided. Potential site constraints included <br />concentrated mnoff from drainage pipes under Page Mill Road that release onto the <br />property and a 1996 landslide repair in the southeastem area of the property. <br />