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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ebeid <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />ATTACHMENT <br />RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW <br />RESIDENCE AND GRADING POLICY EXCEPTION <br />LANDS OF EBEID, 28160 STORY HILL LANE <br />File #140-08-ZP-SD-GD <br />A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: <br />1. No other modifications to the approved plans are allowed except as first <br />reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or the Planning <br />Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. <br />2. After completion of rough framing or at least six (6) months prior to <br />scheduling a final inspection, the applicant shall submit landscape <br />screening and erosion control plans for review by the Site Development <br />Committee. The application for landscape screening and erosion control <br />shall be accompanied by the applicable fee and deposit. The plans shall be <br />reviewed at a noticed public hearing. Plantings shall be adequate to break <br />up the bulk of the new residence from surrounding properties and streets. <br />All landscaping required for screening purposes and for erosion control (as <br />determined by the City Engineer) must be installed prior to final inspection <br />of the new residence. <br />3. The heritage oak tree to be removed shall be replaced with three (3), 36" <br />box oak trees. The location of the replacement trees shall be proposed with <br />the landscape screening plan. All replacement plantings shall be complete, <br />prior to final inspection. <br />4. A landscape maintenance deposit in an amount determined by the Site <br />Development Committee shall be posted prior to final inspection. An <br />inspection of the landscape to ensure adequate establishment and <br />maintenance shall be made two years after the installation. The deposit <br />will be released at that time if the plantings remain viable. <br />5. All existing Blue Gum (E. globulus), Pink Ironbark (E. sideroxylon rosea), <br />River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis), Swamp Gum (E. r idis), Honey Gum <br />(E. melliodora), or Manna Gum (E. viminahs) eucalyptus trees on the <br />property located within 150' of any structures or roadways shall be <br />removed prior to final inspection of the new residence. Removal of <br />eucalyptus trees shall take place between the beginning of August and the <br />end of January to avoid disturbance of nesting birds protected under the <br />Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (META) and California Department of <br />Fish and Game Code Section 3500 et seq unless a nesting bird survey is first <br />