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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ebeid <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />11. If utilized, skylights shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted <br />light. No lighting may be placed within skylight wells. <br />12. All new exterior lighting fixtures shall have white/frosted/etched glass <br />enclosures or be shielded light futures. Seeded or bent glass is not <br />acceptable. No landscape or site lighting is approved with this plan. <br />Landscaping and site lighting shall be reviewed with the landscape <br />screening plan. All lighting must comply with the Town's Lighting Policy <br />prior to final inspection. <br />13. Fire retardant roofing (class A) is required for all new construction. <br />14. Properties must pay School District (Los Altos or Palo Alto) fees prior to <br />acceptance of plans for building plan check from Los Altos Hills. The <br />applicant must take a copy of required fee payment forms that have been <br />completed by the Town to both the elementary and high school district <br />offices, pay the appropriate fees and provide the Town with a copy of their <br />receipts. <br />B. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: <br />15. Two sets of a final grading and drainage plan shall be submitted for review <br />and approval by the Engineering Department prior to acceptance of plans <br />for building plan check. The final grading and drainage plans shall <br />include additional drainage system on the property to convey roadway <br />storm drainage at Page Mill Road in a controlled manner around the house <br />site to a suitable discharge point. <br />16. Peak discharge at 28160 Story Hill Lane, as a result of Site Development <br />Permit 140-08, shall not exceed the existing pre -development peak <br />discharge value of the property. Detention storage must be incorporated <br />into the project to reduce the predicted peak discharge to the pre - <br />development value. Provide the data and peak discharge hydrologic <br />model(s) utilized, as well as, the calculations of the peak discharge value <br />prior and post development. Determine the design peak runoff rate for a <br />10 -year return period storm and provide detention storage design plans to <br />reduce the predicted peak discharge to the pre -development value. All <br />documentation, calculations, and detention storage design (2 plan copies) <br />shall be submitted for review and approval to the satisfaction of the City <br />Engineer prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Prior to <br />final inspection, a letter shall be submitted from the project engineer <br />stating that the detention storage design improvements were installed as <br />shown on the approved plans and in accordance with their <br />recommendations. <br />