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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
September 4, 2008
Item 7.1
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
July 17, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />DRAFT <br />5.1 LANDS OF ROELANDTS, 26401 Eshner Court, File #255-07-ZP-SD-GD; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit for a 5,735 square foot two story new <br />residence with a 2,845 square foot basement (maximum height: 29'). CEQA <br />Review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a) (Staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />Planning Commission Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure: Commissioner Clow visited the site, <br />spoke to the applicant and a neighbor; Commissioners Abraham, Collins and Cottrell visited the <br />site and Chairman Harpootlian visited the site and spoke to a neighbor. <br />Nicole Horvitz, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report stating that the project site on Eshner <br />Court is a vacant 1.34 acre lot with a 20 percent average slope. A new residence with a <br />basement is proposed with increased setbacks to accommodate the 29'6" building height of the <br />structure. Grading policy exceptions are proposed for the rear and side of the structure. At the <br />back of the house a 12'6" cut for the lightwell and a 12' cut for the house was proposed which <br />would create a 24'6" high retaining wall and a nine feet wide lightwell. The lightwell on the side <br />of the house would be up to 11' wide. Two heritage oak trees in the vicinity of the detached <br />garage were proposed for removal. Eight heritage oaks may be impacted by the rear lightwell <br />and new residence construction. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Motion made by Commissioner <br />Clow and seconded by Commissioner Abraham to limit comment time for the applicant's <br />Presentation to ten minutes, applicant final comment response time to three minutes and public <br />comment time to three minutes. <br />Commissioner Cottrell remarked that there are instances during public hearings when the <br />Chairman may allow the time limitations to be flexible. <br />Shad Shakralla, project manager, stated that this is a heavily wooded site and the two oaks <br />Proposed for removal are not ideal specimens and would be replaced by six new trees. The <br />impact on the trees affected by the lightwell excavation should be minimal due to their root <br />structure and the mitigation measures planned to protect them. The garage was designed as a <br />separate structure to allow the basement and garage to conform to the Town's ordinances. Shad <br />explained that their geotechnical consultant had identified two landslide areas on the property <br />and recommended the residence should be located 30 feet back from the landslide limits. The <br />Position of the house is limited by property line setbacks, the landslide setbacks and the location <br />of the oak trees. <br />Anthony Matisi, architect, explained that the proposed design situated the house in the most <br />strategic location on the site for the benefit of the homeowners and the neighbors. <br />Commissioner Collins and Cottrell felt the house could be moved forward and the garage <br />switched to the other side of the lot. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked if terracing of the rear retaining wall had been considered. <br />
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