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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
September 4, 2008
Item 7.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 8:41:32 AM
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1/14/2015 3:58:45 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
July 17, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 4 <br />Shad Shakralla replied that the garage had been removed from the basement to the detached <br />location outside of the residence because the basement then would not be counted as floor area. <br />Commissioner Abraham said that even though the garage is not technically connected to the <br />main structure, the view from the street makes the residence appear as a three story structure <br />with a height of 38'6". <br />Chairman Harpootlain felt that more than 50 percent of the basement was exposed and so did not <br />meet Basement Ordinance guidelines. He wondered if the entire level should be counted as floor <br />area. <br />Willem Roclandts, applicant, stated that the basement was totally underground. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Charlie Perrell, Eshner Court, liked the design and location of the proposed house and garage. <br />He asked that the contractors follow the Town's construction hours, keep the neighborhood free <br />of litter, practice fire safety, use precautions to prevent disruption of underground utility services <br />and restore Eshner Court and the pathway to preconstruction condition. <br />Ginger Summitt, Lenox Way, expressed concern over the danger presented by the deep cut in the <br />hillside for the rear lightwell. It would present a safety hazard for people and animals that may <br />fall 24 feet down onto the hard surface. <br />Sandy Humphries, Fremont Road, asked if the Town had abandoned the idea of requesting that <br />homes fit with the land. In the past, homes were designed to "step up" with the hillside rather <br />than be straight up in the back. She felt that if the proposed garage was moved to the other side <br />of the site and the house "stepped up" with the hillside, the residence would better fit the <br />property and the trees may not need to be removed. <br />Chairman Harpootlian commented that unintended consequences had come with passage of the <br />Basement Ordinance that allowed designers to present interesting alternatives to gain floor area. <br />Nancy Girton, Natoma Road, felt that moving the house would help it stay within the grading <br />guidelines. <br />Chi-Foon Chan, Julietta Lane, explained that his property shares approximately 200 feet of <br />property boundary with the Roclandts. The master bedroom, bathroom and music room of his <br />home face the site and new house. He requested that the existing trees that screen his home from <br />the proposed residence remain on the site to provide privacy. More screening trees should be <br />planted but not so to block the other neighbor's views. <br />Terry Oldberg, Julietta Lane, expressed concern in preserving the view of the Santa Clara Valley <br />from his home. He said that replacing the two heritage oaks proposed to be removed with six <br />more oak trees would not be in his favor and would not conform to the Town's View Ordinance. <br />He felt there were better choices for landscape screening than oak trees for the Roelandt's <br />project <br />
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