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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />Vicki Oldberg, Julietla Lane, said the view from her home was a panorama of the bay. She has <br />seen many oak trees grow up over the years and is very conscious of the potential growth rate of <br />the oak trees. Planning now to prevent the height of the trees from blocking the view is much <br />better than future pruning. She did not want the solar panels to be visible from her house. <br />Shad Shakralla stated that he would be happy to work with the Oldbergs, the Charts and staff to <br />locate the replacement trees. The solar panels would be located in an area to allow them to be <br />useful. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Chairman Harpoothan felt there was a question of the meaning of the term "wholly <br />underground" in the Basement Ordinance. The proposed house looked like a three story <br />structure. He did not read the Basement Ordinance to allow that type of design. <br />Commissioner Cottrell felt the project was testing the limits of the Planning Commission for <br />allowing grading exceptions. The project should be continued to allow the applicant to make <br />design changes. The house could be moved forward and to the side of the site to reduce some of <br />the grading in the back, the retaining walls could be terraced, the lightwells made standard and <br />the garage relocated. <br />Commissioner Collins agreed and thought it was possible to design the project to more closely to <br />follow the Town's ordinances. The house could be moved forward and the lightwells narrowed <br />to the minimum in depth and length. The neighbors can work together to develop a landscape <br />screening plan. Roof mounted solar panel installations are encouraged by the Town and <br />rewarded with a development area bonus but the systems should work to reduce energy usage in <br />the residence. <br />Commissioner Abraham concurred and would like the applicants to return with a plan that has <br />the house positioned further down the hill. He was concerned for the health of the trees that abut <br />the retaining wall and the damage that might be caused to the root systems during construction. <br />He felt the location of the garage gave the house a three story appearance and could be moved <br />elsewhere on the site. He hoped a plan that was more consistent with the grading policy would <br />be designed. <br />Commissioner Clow agreed and stated that approving the requested grading policy exception <br />would set a precedent for the Town. Standard lightwells and placing the house against the <br />hillside could be possible. The solar panels should be placed in a location on the roof to be <br />functional without cutting limbs off the oak trees. <br />Chairman Harpootlian reiterated concern for the oak trees abutting the 24' high rear wall and <br />suggested the possibility of moving the house and wall forward. He didn't agree with removal of <br />the two oaks in the front of the house to accommodate the garage, which could be relocated. <br />Terracing of the rear wall was possible. He thought the incremental use of an intended safety <br />measure (the lightwell) to basically add an entire floor above ground was cause for concern. <br />