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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Motion made by Commissioner <br />Cottrell and seconded by Commissioner Collins to continue the project, if the applicant is <br />willing, and return with a modified plan to a later date. <br />AYES: Commissioners Abraham, Clow, Collins, Cottrell and Chairman Harpootlian <br />NOES: none <br />5.2 LANDS OF BURGER, 11580 Old Ranch Road, File #12-08-ZP-SD-GD; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit for a 5,833 square foot new residence with <br />a 1,322 square foot basement (maximum height: 27 feet). CEQA Review: <br />Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a) (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />Planning Commission Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure: Commissioner Clow had <br />spoken to a neighbor. <br />Brian Froelich, Associate Planner, presented the staff report for the project. The existing <br />residence, driveway and swimming pool are proposed to be demolished and replaced. The site <br />constraints include a 15 foot wide equestrian easement that runs along the southern and eastern <br />boundaries of the property. Perimeter mature trees are on the site and two non -heritage size oak <br />trees and one walnut tree are proposed for removal. The new residence will be located in the <br />same area as the existing house. The new swimming pool will be behind the house slightly <br />downhill of the current pool on the same level as the daylighted basement. The proposal met all <br />zoning and site development requirements. A grading exception of five feet is requested as the <br />cut depth for access to the backyard from the daylighted basement. The size of the grading <br />policy exception is 584 square feet. The applicant had obtained eight signatures from neighbors <br />supporting the design and the benefit of the reduction in the bulk of the new residence. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked if the existing equestrian easement was written in the property deed <br />as being restricted to use by the original development only and that a Town pathway does not <br />currently exist. <br />Brian Froelich confirmed the Commissioner's statement and that the recommendation of the <br />Pathways Committee is to create a public pathway easement. <br />Commissioner Abraham did not think it was proper to require the public pathway easement <br />because the pathway is not shown on the master Pathways Map. <br />Chairman Harpootlian asked about the 20 percent slope for a section of the driveway. <br />Brian Froelich replied that the driveway design had been approved by the Fire Department. <br />Zack Bums, architect, said that the new residence was designed around the existing 22" heritage <br />oak. The views from neighboring properties will not be affected by the new house as the <br />finished floor will be 18" lower than the existing house. Neighborhood outreach had been <br />conducted and eight neighbors had given support of the project. <br />Zack Burns explained his understanding of the existing private equestrian easement as a use <br />agreement among the neighborhood's land owners who kept horses. He claimed the equestrian <br />