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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 7 <br />easement had not been used for years and is not maintained. The Pathways Committee had <br />requested a 10' dedication for a public pathway easement. <br />Commissioner Cottrell requested that the pathways easement be voted with a separate motion <br />and the Planning Commission agreed. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Ginger Summitt, Pathways Committee, explained that the area east of Ravensbury Avenue was <br />subdivided prior to the Town's incorporation and annexed into Los Altos Hills in 2002. At that <br />time the Master Pathways Plan review was in the end stages and the annexed properties were not <br />examined. In reviewing this project, it was discovered that the original developer had put in <br />place the private equestrian easement. The easement is contiguous along all the properties and <br />connects Magdalena Avenue to Ravensbury Avenue. The pathway has been used in the past by <br />equestrians and pedestrians but is now overgrown. <br />John Burger, applicant, thought the equestrian easement has not been used. The pathway <br />easement would be visible from his house and backyard and would be an invasion of his privacy. <br />Commissioner Abraham asked if John Burger would rather not have a public easement. <br />John Burger replied that he would rather not have the public easement. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Commissioner Abraham thought the applicants had been sensitive to the neighbors and <br />environment and would have a beautiful home when completed. <br />Commissioners Clow and Cottrell concurred. <br />Commissioner Collins supported the requested grading policy exception as the square footage <br />involved was reasonable. <br />Chairman Harpoothan felt the house blended into the hillside very well and was an efficient use <br />of the land. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Motion made by Commissioner <br />Cottrell and seconded by Commissioner Clow to approve the requested site development permit <br />excluding decision on the pathway easement. <br />AYES: Commissioners Collins, Clow, Cottrell, Abraham and Chairman Harpoothan <br />NOES: none <br />Chairman Harpoothan requested discussion on the pathway easement. <br />Commissioner Abraham stated that the existing 15' wide equestrian easement is a private <br />easement for use by the people in the subdivision. The area was annexed in 2002 and the last <br />Master Pathways map created in 2005. Town ordinances specify that if a pathway easement is <br />