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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 8 <br />requested, it must be shown on the Master Pathways map. He does not feel there is a justifiable <br />reason for asking for the public easement dedication. <br />Commissioner Clow felt that converting the existing neighborhood equestrian easement to a <br />standard pathway easement for the Town is appropriate and not substantially different from the <br />current easement. <br />Commissioner Cottrell said he was not opposed to pathway easements but he believed that a <br />Master Plan was needed for the area. The Pathways Committee had the responsibility to develop <br />a proposal for pathways in the area to help provide guidance regarding requested easements. He <br />objected to asking for the pathway easement. <br />Commissioner Collins felt that requesting a pathway easement was consistent with the process of <br />connecting neighborhoods by way of the pathways in the Los Altos Hills. The pathways system <br />is an overall part of belonging to the Town. <br />Chairman Harpoothan said the Pathways Committee should examine the area for possible <br />inclusion in the Master Pathways map. The current equestrian easement has fallen into disuse <br />but many neighborhood residents utilize the pathways system regularly. This easement could <br />help connect dead end streets and the easement should be granted to the Town. <br />John Komo, general contractor for the applicant, commented that he had lived at the end of <br />Putter Way (near the easement's end) and felt it was not a practical way to access that street. He <br />thought the applicant's privacy would be substantially affected by the easement's location on the <br />property. <br />Sandra Humphries, Fremont Road, said that off road pathways serve as escape routes during <br />wildfires. <br />Zack Bums stated that fences had been erected across the easement on neighboring properties <br />that would affect the ability of the easement to be used as an escape route or pathway. <br />Commissioner Abraham said that the easement had probably not been used for 30 years or more. <br />The Town's Ordinances and processes were not being followed in asking for a pathway <br />easement in a place where there was nothing before. The pathway is not shown on the Master <br />Pathways map. He felt that asking for the easement was not a proper request. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: Motion <br />made by Commissioner Collins and seconded by Commissioner Clow to approve the pathway <br />easement requirement as requested for the Site Development Permit. <br />AYES: Commissioners Collins and Clow, Chairman Harpoothan <br />NOES: Commissioners Abraham and Cottrell <br />This item is subject to a 22 day appeal period and will be forwarded to a future meeting of the <br />City Council. <br />