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RECEIVED <br />Planning Director SEP 0 12008 <br />Planning Commission <br />Town of Los Altos Hills TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS August 30, 2008 <br />Cc: Mayor and all Town Council Members <br />Subject: Application by A T & T for a wireless telecommunications facility at <br />26410 Duval Way <br />Dear Ms. Pedro, <br />I am writing once again on behalf of the residents of Duval Way to plead with the <br />Planning Commission and the Town Council to reject an application for yet <br />another "cell" tower on Duval Way! <br />Let me begin with a brief history of our lack of success at having any influence <br />whatsoever on the Towns approval of previous cell towers/antennas affecting the <br />environment of, and potentially, the value of our homes, property and continued <br />defacement of a historical building (pictures to be provided). <br />• Beginning in 2001 we protested the expansion of use of a large, ugly tower, <br />which had been erected in 1993 with, apparently no permits of any kind on <br />the campus of Foothill College. We followed up with Santa Clara County, <br />the Trustees of the Foothill/ De Anza College Board, The State of California <br />through Chancellor Harris's office and determined that local municipalities <br />were the permitting authority for any permits of construction. We lost. <br />• Next, we protested the installation of antennas in the steeple of the church at <br />26410 Duval Way. We lost. <br />• In spite of the Towns assurances that approval of the steeple antenna would <br />not set a precedence for future antennas on the site and that "Duval Way has <br />enough", an application for another antenna (a very bulky flagpole which, <br />irregularly flies a flag) was approved on the church property closest to Duval <br />Way. We opposed that application. Acain• We lost <br />• We were again assured that the flagpole would be the last. Now we are <br />faced with the new, subject application by A T & T for a 65 -foot tall fake <br />tree carrying six antennae near the comer of Duval Way and Robleda Rd. In <br />addition, the A T & T drawings indicate the provision for "future carrier <br />antennas". <br />