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construction of accessory structures, etc.), following issuance of the building permit, <br /> shall not exceed the following time limits listed in Table 2: <br /> TABLE 2—All Other Construction Projects <br /> Estimated Value of Project ($) Construction Time Limit <br /> $0 to $100,000 12 months <br /> $100,001 to $250,000 18 months <br /> $250,001 to $500,000 24 months <br /> $500,001 and over 30 months <br /> The Construction Time Limit period shall commence on the date the building permit is <br /> issued. <br /> The time limits stated in Tables 1 and 2 are the maximum time limits allowed and <br /> lesser time periods may be allocated to a project depending on the status of previously <br /> issued building permits or code enforcement actions. <br /> Every building permit issued by the Town under the provisions of the building code <br /> shall expire and automatically become null and void upon reaching the construction <br /> time limit unless a time extension is granted under Section 10-1.05. Said time <br /> extension shall be granted prior to the expiration of the building permit. <br /> 10-1.05 Extension of Construction Time Limit. <br /> In the event a project has not passed a final inspection in the allotted time period as <br /> prescribed by Table 1 or Table 2 under Section 10-1.04,the applicant/owner may be <br /> entitled to up to two (2), six-month extensions to complete the work. An application <br /> for an extension of the construction time limit shall be submitted at least 14 days prior <br /> to the expiration of the time limit period and shall be accompanied by a written <br /> explanation of the reasons for the requested extension and a fee, as established by City <br /> Council resolution. If the Building Official, upon review of the application, grants an <br /> extension,the additional six-month extension period shall start from the date of the <br /> original time limit expiration or the most recent extension expiration date. A <br /> Construction Completion Deposit shall be required pursuant to Section 10-1.06 prior to <br /> the granting of the time extension. <br /> Time limits shall not be increased through the issuance of subsequent building permits <br /> for the same project or for modifications to the original permit unless authorized by the <br /> City Council. <br /> 10-1.06 Construction Completion Deposit. <br /> Upon reaching the construction time limit set pursuant to Section 10-1.04, if a final <br /> certificate of occupancy has not been issued or final building inspection made,the <br /> Ordinance 555 Page 3 <br />