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owning, leasing, or controlling any land adjacent to such buildings or structures shall at <br /> all times: <br /> (1) Maintain around and adjacent to such buildings or structures an effective firebreak <br /> made by removing and clearing away, for a distance therefrom of not less than thirty(30) <br /> feet on each side thereof, all flammable vegetation or other combustible growth. The <br /> provisions of this section shall not apply to single specimens of trees, ornamental <br /> shrubbery, or similar plants used as ground cover provided they do not form a means of <br /> rapidly transmitting fire from the native growth to any structure; <br /> (2) Maintain around and adjacent to such buildings or structures additional fire <br /> protection or firebreaks made by removing all brush, flammable vegetation, or <br /> combustible growth located from thirty (30) feet to one hundred (100) feet from such <br /> buildings or structures as may be required by the Chief when he or she finds that because <br /> of extra hazardous conditions a firebreak of only thirty(30) feet around such structures is <br /> not sufficient to provide reasonable fire safety. Grass and other vegetation located more <br /> than thirty (3 0) feet from such buildings or structures and less than eighteen (18) inches <br /> in height above the ground may be maintained where necessary to stabilize the soil and <br /> prevent erosion; <br /> (3) Remove that portion of any tree which extends within ten (10) feet of the outlet of <br /> any chimney; <br /> (4) Maintain any tree adjacent to or overhanging any building free of deadwood; <br /> (5) Maintain the roof of any structure free of leaves, needles, or other dead vegetative <br /> growth; <br /> (6) The Chief may require the removal of all flammable vegetation or other <br /> combustible growth within ten (10) feet on each side of any roadway and at such other <br /> places upon any property as he or she may deem necessary to prevent or avoid fire <br /> damages to adjoining properties or undue hardships in fighting fires. The provisions of <br /> this section shall not apply to single specimens of trees, ornamental shrubbery, or <br /> cultivated ground cover, such as grass, ivy, succulents, or similar plants used as ground <br /> cover,provided they do not form a means of readily transmitting fire; <br /> (7) Remove flammable vegetation a minimum of ten (10) feet around liquefied <br /> petroleum gas tanks/containers. <br /> (8) Firewood and combustible materials shall not be stored in unenclosed spaces <br /> beneath buildings or structures, or on decks or under eaves, canopies or other projections <br /> or overhangs. The storage of firewood and combustible material within the defensible <br /> space shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) feet from structures and separated from <br /> the crown of trees by a minimum horizontal distance of fifteen(15) feet. <br /> Ordinance 558 Page 3 <br />