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"Average Percent <br /> Section 9=4.205. Average 'Percerit S1ope 'or'Perce►it'S1ope. <br /> Slope" or "Percent Slope" shall mean the vertical drop divided by the hori- <br /> zontal distance, multiplied by one hundred percent (100%) . Slope shall be <br /> computed by the following formula: <br /> 0.00229 I L <br /> S = A <br /> where S = Percent Slope <br /> I = Contour interval in feet (uniform vertical distance between suc- <br /> cessive contours) . Contour interval shall be not more than five <br /> feet (5' ) for slopes up to and includin thirty percent (30%) . <br /> All slopes greater than thirty percent (30/ ) .may have contour <br /> intervals not to exceed ten feet (10 ') . <br /> L = Aggregate contour lengths in scale feet (summation of individual <br /> contours within the gross area) , contour lengths in areas shown <br /> to be further subdivided. <br /> A - Gross area in acres of parcel being considered for development. <br /> . Contours and areas within parcels that can be further subdivided shall <br /> be excluded from the percent slope calculations. <br /> Section 9;4:2Q6: Building Site. "Building Site" shall mean that portion <br /> of a lot or parcel on which a residence may be placed so as to conform with <br /> the provisions of this Chapter and all building, sanitary, zoning, and other <br /> laws or ordinances of the Town of Los Altos Hills . <br /> Section '9_4:207. City. "City'.' shall`,mean the City of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hi'Hi'l I s. <br /> Section "9=4.208. City Clerk. "City Clerk" shall mean the City Clerk of the <br /> City acting either directly or through properly authorized agents , such agent <br /> acting within th.e scope of the particular duties entrusted to same. <br /> Sectioh'9 4:209: . .Cit En i►ieer. "City Engineer" shall mean the City Engi- <br /> neer of the City. <br /> Section. 9 '4:210: City Geologist. "City Geologist" shall-mean the registered <br /> geologist retained by the City. <br /> Section 9=4:211 City Planner. ".City Planner" shall mean the planner of the <br /> City. <br /> 'Sec 0h'9-4:212: Commission or"Planning Commission. "Commission" or "Plan- <br /> ning Commission ' shall mean the Planning Commission of the City. <br /> Section'9 4.- 13. City-Standards . "City Standards" shall mean the specifica- <br /> ti-ons_and standard drawings of the City for design and construction of improve- <br /> ments, wh.i'ch specifications and drawings have been approved by the Council . <br /> Sectioh'94:214.­ 'Cbhseryati6h'Easbment. "Conservation Easement" shall mean <br /> a portion of land reserved for the express purpose of protecting the natural <br /> vegetation, terrain, watercourses , and wildlife;�.and for the purpose of pre- <br /> venting or limiting drainage and erosion problems. No primary or secondary <br /> dwelling shall be permitted in such an easement. Accessory structures and <br /> activities within a conservation easement shall be determined by the Planning <br /> Commission and affirmed by the City Council . The subdivider shall execute a <br /> - 3 - <br />