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Section 9-4:223. ' 'Easbrh6 t, 'Storm'Drain. "Storm Drain Easement" shall mean a <br /> portion of land reserved for the express use of storm run-off or water course <br /> improvements both immediate and future, and shall be determined as such by the <br /> City Engineer. <br /> Section 9-4.224: 'Engineering Geologist. "Engineering Geologist" shall mean <br /> an individual licensed as such by the State of California. <br /> Section 9-4.225. Fire Official , Fire Department. "Fire Official " or "Fire <br /> Department" shall mean the Fire Official and/or Department of the Los Altos <br /> County Fire Protection District. <br /> Section 94:226: Fouhdation -Design, Daylight. "Daylight Foundation'Design" <br /> shall be defined as a foundation' design which results in the establishment <br /> of habitable, storage,, or vehicular space within, or immediately adjacent to <br /> a structure that is totally or partially at a lower elevation than the natural <br /> contour(s) of.the site. < <br /> (a) Said foundation design shall include a masonry walr - or•, walls <br /> alternately approved material , which range from approximately oblique to par- <br /> allel to the native contours for the retention of native or near native con- <br /> tours that shall abut them. <br /> (b) Said foundation design shall include masonry walls or walls of al- <br /> ternately approved material , which range from oblique to perpendicular to <br /> contour so that the approximate native contours can be re-established on the <br /> downhill s-i-des of the structure upon its completion. <br /> "Section '9=4:227. Foundation 'Design, `Pole. "Pole Foundation' Des •gn". shall be <br /> defined as a foundation design which supports the main structure from the earth <br /> via the use of wooden poles or other similarly approved pole devices. The in- <br /> stallation of this foundation design type shall result in little if any alter- <br /> ation to the native contours of the building site, and shall also result in an <br /> air space beneath the lowest floor level which is unenclosed. <br /> Section 9-4.228, ' Foundation Design , Step-on-Contour. "Step-on-Contour 'Design" <br /> shall e defined as a foundation' design' Which results in the first floor levels <br /> of a structure being of different elevation. Said differences in elevations <br /> shall correspond approximately to the differences in elevations of the native <br /> contours of the building site. <br /> (a) The difference in finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of <br /> twenty-one inches (21 ") unless otherwise approved by the Site Development Com- <br /> mittee at the time of the Site Development review. <br /> Section 94:229.' Frontage. "Frontage" shall mean all property abutting one <br /> side of a public roadway. <br /> Section 9 '4 '230. General Plan. "General Plan" shall mean the General Plan <br /> and its Elements of the Town of Los Altos Hills, adopted by Resolution #745, <br /> effective January 2, 1974, and any amendment thereto, or any General Plan a- <br /> dopted subsequent to the adoption of this Chapter. <br /> Section 9-4.231 . Government Code. "Government Code" shall mean the Govern- <br /> ment Code of the State of California, or as amended. <br /> Sectioh '9=4:232: ' Health Officer, Health Department. "Health Officer" and/ <br /> or "Health Department" shall mean the County Health Officer or his assistant(s) <br /> or authorized deputy(ies) acting as Health Officer for and of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills. <br /> - 5 - <br />