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Section "9 '4 '233 '. ' 'Hi,li'§id6:SobdiVi8i.on. A "Hillside Subdivision" is defined <br /> as one wWe t aver `§e perc6fit' sl6pe of..the natural ground within the sub- <br /> diviston ts, fifteen percent (15%) or more. <br /> Section 984;234; Irh0i-6V6m6ht§ 1Qi`tl i ty 'Street or Other. "Uti I i ty,.-Stre"et, <br /> or Other Improvements" shall be defined as follows: <br /> (a) "Utility ImprovementV , though not limited to the following, shall <br /> mean storm drains, sanitary sewers, potable water systems, electrical , tele",_ <br /> phone, gas, and fIrb 'pft,tection systems, which the subdivider has agreed to <br /> install on lands which are offered for dedication as streets and/or easements <br /> as deemed necessary for the general use of lot owners in the subdivision and <br /> the local neighborhood; <br /> (b) "Street Improvements" shall mean, though not limited to the follow- <br /> ing, pavement, curbs, combined curbs and gutters, landscaping, retaining walls , <br /> road dividers, erosion controls, sewage collection and disposal systems , storm <br /> drainage facilities., an'doflood control facilities; <br /> (c) "Other Improvements" shall mean other specific improvements or types <br /> of *provements, the installation of which, either by the subdivider, by public <br /> agenctes, by private utilities , by any other entity approved by the City or <br /> by a combination thereof, is necessary or convenient to insure conformity to <br /> or implementation of the General Plan or any specific plan adopted pursuant <br /> to Article' 8, commencing with Section 65450, of Chapter 3, of Division 1 , of <br /> the Government Code. <br /> 'Settibh *9_'4.'235.' ­Lot. "Lot" shall mean a unit or portion of land separated <br /> from other.parcels or 'pbrtions by description and accomplished by a recorded <br /> Parcel Map, Record of Survey Map, or a recorded Final Subdivision Map. <br /> "Maps" shall be defined as the following: <br /> a. Preliminary Prelimtnary Map- shall mean a map prepared by a State of CMifornia <br /> Registered Civil Engineer or State U'rensed Land Surveyor, for the purpose of <br /> showing the fnittal conceptual design of a proposed subdivision, and the exist- <br /> Tng conditions in and around' it, and need not be based upon an accurate or de- <br /> tafled final survey of the property; <br /> (b) Tentative Map: shall mean a map prepared by a State of California <br /> Registered Civil Engineer or State Licensed Land Surveyor for the purpose of <br /> showing the design of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in <br /> and around it, and need not be based upon an accurate or detailed or final <br /> survey. of the property; <br /> (c) Parcel Map: shall mean a map prepared in accordance with the provi- <br /> sions of this Chapter and of the Subdivision Map Act and which map is designed <br /> to be placed on record in the office of the County Recorder. A Parcel Map and <br /> Final Map shall mean the same; <br /> (d) Final Map: shallmeana map prepared in accordance with the provi,4 <br /> sons of this Chapter and the Subdivision Map Act, which map is designed to <br /> be placed on record in the office of the County Recorder. Final Map and Parcel <br /> Map shall mean the same. <br /> Settift '94.'237: ' 'May. "May" shall mean an action which is permissive. <br /> 'SOtti,6h '9 '4:238'. ' 'Moah8 'bf'At(t6ss . "Means of Access" shall mean a street, right- <br /> of-way, apqbltc or private easement dbstgned for ingress to and egress from any <br /> parcel of land to a public street. <br /> Sqdtj,6n'9.'-4.'239'. ­OWher. "Owner" shall mean any individual , firm, association, <br /> syndicate, co-part-nershtp, corporation, trust, or any other legal entity having <br /> 4., 6 <br />