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sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided to com- <br /> mence'­and matntatn pr'ocee' dtngs to subdivide the same, pursuant to the provi- <br /> sions of thi's Chapter. <br /> Section 9-4.240. Panhandle.- "Panhandle" shall mean the portion of a lot <br /> c <br /> hi connects w — - ts th-e-" e section of the lot to the public or private ve- <br /> hicular right-of-way. Said portion of land which accomplishes the above con- <br /> nection shall be used primarily for vehicular access to a single lot. <br /> Section 94:241 : Parcel . "Parcel " shall mean all contiguous land which has <br /> not been separatedbythe means described in Section 9-4.235 held in one own- <br /> ership as indicated in the records of the County Recorder. <br /> Section 94:242: Person . "Person shall mean and shall include any person, <br /> firm, partnership, association , corporation, business trust, city, county, <br /> local agency., district, state or federal government, or any branch, district, <br /> or division thereof, exclusive of the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills . <br /> S6dti6h *9 '4.'243­ 'PUblit Area Green. "Public Area Green" shall, mean any por- <br /> tion of land within a subdivision which is reserved for the mutual use ofall <br /> lots or parcels contained in the same subdivision. The uses permitted within <br /> a public green area shall be determined by the Planning Commission and affirmed <br /> by the City Council . <br /> 'Section'9-!*-4.*244. ' Public Utility. "Public Utility" shall mean private cor- <br /> porations , or governmental jurisdictions authorized by law to establish and <br /> mai'ntai'n any such works or facilities in, under, or over any public street, <br /> easement or right-of-way. <br /> Settibh '94.245.' -Reserve Strip. "Reserve ',Strip" shall mean those controlling <br /> the access to public ways and will not be approved unless such strips are <br /> necessary for the protection of the public welfare and/or substantial property <br /> rights and shall only be approved when the complete control and disposal of <br /> the land and all of its uses comprising such strips are placed completely <br /> w1thtn the exclusive control cif-the City Council . <br /> Section 9-4.246. Ri-g "' -of . "Right-of-Way" as used in this Chapter shall <br /> include all or any par of <br /> Waythe entire width of a road and/or street easement. <br /> Sotti,oh '94:247.' 'Road. "Road" shall mean a way for vehicular traffic, whb- <br /> ther designated as a road, lane, street, avenue, way, place, drive, cul-de-sac, <br /> thoroughfare, or otherwise. <br /> SeCtfoh '94:248.' ' 'Road; Arterial . "Arterial Road" shall mean roads which pro- <br /> vi'de through traffic movement between.-areas and across the City, subject to <br /> the necessary control of entrances, exits, and roadside use. <br /> SbW6h '9 '4.*249.' Rbad, 'ArtOrial , HilTsi'de. "Hillside Arterial Road" shall <br /> mean roads which .provide through traffic' movement between areas and across the <br /> City subject to the necessary control of entrances , exits , and roadside use, <br /> and which traverse terrain where the average grade exceeds fifteen percent <br /> Soctioii '9-�4.250: ' Road; 'Collector. "Collector Road" shall mean a road which, <br /> because of Its design- and location It :`fntermediate in importance between a <br /> local road and either a major or secondary thoroughfare with respect to other <br /> roads and other sources of traffic, and has the purpose of collecting local <br /> - 7 - <br />