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Amending Chapter 4 Entitled "Subdivisions" of Title 9 Entitled Planning and Zoning of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code
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traffic- and carrying it to a thoroughfare. <br /> Section 9-4.251 . 'Road,Collector, Hillside. "Hillside Collector Road" is a <br /> road which , because of its design and location with respect to other roads and <br /> other sources of traffic., is used to carry traffic from local roads to secon- <br /> dary and major roads , and which traverses terrain where the average grade ex- <br /> ceeds fifteen percent (15%) . <br /> Secti6h '9=4.252. Road, Cul-de-sac. "Cul-de-sac Road" is any road having but <br /> one outlet for vehicular travel , the terminus of said road being within the <br /> subdivision, e'n dosed by parcels of land comprising lots or parcels of the <br /> subdi:vi'sion, and having special facilities for the turning around of vehicular <br /> traffic. <br /> Section 9=4.253. Road, Cul-de-sac, Hillside. "Hillside Cul-de-sac Road" is <br /> any road having but one outlet for vehicular travel , the terminus of said road <br /> being wtthi'n the subdivision, enclosed by parcels of land comprising lots or <br /> parcels of the subdi'visi'on, and having special facilities eor turning around <br /> of vehicular traffic. Said road traverses terrain where,the average grade ex- <br /> ceeds fifteen percent (15%) slope. <br /> Sett16h '9-4:254. " Road, Dead ,End. "Dead End Road" is any road having but one <br /> outlet for vehicular, pedestrian, and equestrian traffic which is designed <br /> to be continued as a through street at a later date and terminating one foot <br /> (TI) from the property adjoining the subdivision. <br /> Section 9;4:255. ' 'Road; Fire, -Emergency. "Emergency Fire Road" shall mean <br /> any roadway designed expressly for use in the event of a fire and/or emergency <br /> either of a man-made o� natural cause. <br /> Sectf6h 9;4:256. Road; Local . "Local Road" is a road which, because of its <br /> design -anal 'location with -respect to other roads, is used primarily for local <br /> traffic or'access to the abutting property. <br /> Sectfbh9=4.257. Road; Local , Hillside. ".Hillside Local Road" is a road <br /> which because -of its design and location with respect to other roads, is used <br /> primarily for access to the abutting property and which traverses terrain where <br /> the average grade exceeds fifteen percent (15/) slope. <br /> Section 9 '4:258. Road, Private. "Private Road" fs vrodd, way, place or <br /> street in pr -vate owners gyp, not offered for dedication as a public road, w:ay, <br /> place or street, which affords the principle means of access to one or more <br /> lots or parcels which do not have frontage on a public street. <br /> Section 9 .4.259. R6ad3Publi'c. "Public Road" is a road dedicated to and <br /> maintained by the City, the county, or the state, including roads offered <br /> for dedication to the City which have been improved, or for which an improve- <br /> ment security is in effect to improve the same. The term includes "city road", <br /> "accepted road", "accepted public road", and "dedicated road". <br /> Section 9=4.260. Roadway. "Roadway" shall mean that portion of a right-of-way <br /> for a road intended to accommodate the movement of vehicles. <br /> Section 9=4.261 . Shall . - "Shall " means an action which is mandatory. <br /> - 8 - <br />
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