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Section 9=4:262� 'Standard Specifications. "Standard Specifications" shall <br /> mean such improveftient plans and specifications' as prepared by the City Engi- <br /> neer, recommended by the- Planning Commission, and affirmed by the City Council <br /> by Resolution. <br /> Section 9=4:263: ' Street. "Street" means and includes any portion of a right- <br /> of-way for motor vehicle travel which affords the principal means of access <br /> to abutting property, including public and private rights-of-way and easements <br /> for ingress and egress purposes. The word STREET shall be considered the <br /> same as the word ROAD and the definition thereof as described in Section 9- <br /> 4.247. <br /> Sectioh*9=4:264: ' Subdivider. "Subdivider" shall mean any individual , firm, <br /> association, syndicate, co-partnership, corporation, trust, or any other legal <br /> entity, public, governmental or otherwise, who proposes to divide, does divide, <br /> or causes to be divided, real property into a subdivision of land for himself, <br /> for another, for itself, or for others . <br /> Sect1bh '9=4:265: Subdivision. "Subdivision" shall mean and includes the di- <br /> vis ion of any improved or unimproved real property or portion thereof, as <br /> shown on the latest equalized Santa Clara County Assessment Roll as a unit- <br /> or <br /> nitor as conthguous units, which land is to be divided for the purpose of sale, <br /> lease or financing, or construction of improvements thereon, whether immediate <br /> or future, by the subdivider. A subdivision includes all divisions of land <br /> which -are excluded from the definition of subdivision in Section 65436 of the <br /> Government Code, or as amended. The separation of a single lot, parcel , or <br /> site from a larger lot, parcel , or site shall constitute a subdivision. <br /> Land shall be considered to be divided by either <br /> (a) The filing of a Final Map or Parcel Map showing division into <br /> lots, or parcels; or <br /> (h) The sale, contract of sale, lease, transfer or other conveyance of <br /> any portton of a unit or contiguous units in one ownership as shown on the <br /> latest equalized Santa Clara County Assessment Roll , regardless of the manner <br /> of land. descrtption and when purchased; or <br /> . (c) The recording with the Recorder of Santa Clara County of a Parcel <br /> Map, Final Subdivision Map or legal description of a parcel less than the whole <br /> as shown on such latest equalized Santa Clara County Assessment Roll ; or <br /> (d) Any other separation of land into legally discernible parcels. <br /> Property shall be considered as contiguous units even if it is separated <br /> by roads , streets, or easements. Any conveyance of land to a governmental a- <br /> gency, public agency, or public utility, shall not be considered a division of <br /> land for purposes of computing the number or.size of parcels. <br /> Adjacent parcels though purchased at the same time or at different times <br /> shall be considered as contiguous parcels and shall not be offered for sale, <br /> lease, or exchange without first recording a Final Subdivision Map or Parcel <br /> Map. <br /> 'Sectjon-9 4 '266 . Subdiyision 'Committee. "Subdivision Committee" shall mean <br /> a Committee composed of the following persons or their designated representa-. <br /> ti'ves: the' Cfty Engineer and the City Planner, employees of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills, and one member of the Planning Commission as from time to time <br /> designated by the Chairperson of that Commission. <br /> sectio'94:267: , Water`Di`strict. "Water District" shall mean the Santa Clara <br /> ala ;:_ 0y, Water District. <br /> - 9 - <br />