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RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR <br /> HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AND VARIANCE TO ENCROACH INTO THE <br /> 40-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK <br /> LANDS OF CHOPRA, 13212 EAST SUNSET DRIVE <br /> File#244-03-ZP-SD-VAR <br /> A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 1. No other modifications to the approved plans are allowed except as otherwise first <br /> reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or the Planning Commission (depending <br /> on the scope of the changes). <br /> 2. A total of 86 square feet of development area is required to be demolished and replanted <br /> prior to final inspection of the BBQ patio area. Otherwise, this permit for hardscape <br /> improvements and variance to encroach into the 40-foot front yard setback is null and <br /> void. <br /> 3. Prior to submittal of plans for building plan check, the applicant shall submit to the <br /> Planning Department, for review and approval, a revised development area diagram, with <br /> calculations, for all existing and proposed development area on the property. <br /> 4. Prior to submittal of plans for building plan check, the applicant shall submit a signed <br /> and notarized disclosure statement (provided by the Town) stating that the patio and BBQ <br /> area located within the front yard setback shall not be partially or fully enclosed <br /> (including gazebos). <br /> 5. A final letter from a land surveyor or registered civil engineer shall be submitted to the <br /> Planning Department prior to final inspection certifying the size, shape, and location of <br /> the BBQ patio area (including the BBQ, sink, and counter) to be no greater in size, shape, <br /> and location than shown on the approved site plan. <br /> 6. Prior to final inspection of the BBQ patio area, the applicant shall fully enclose the <br /> pool equipment with a solid wall and roof enclosure and shall paint the retaining wall at <br /> the swimming pool to match the existing residence. <br /> 7. Any required permits shall be issued by the Building Department, prior to <br /> commencement of work on hardscape improvements and BBQ, sink, and counter. <br /> B. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 8. Upon completion of construction and replanting, a final inspection shall be set with the <br /> Planning Department and Engineering Department at least two weeks prior to final <br /> building inspection approval. . <br />