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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 8, 2004
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/15/2014 11:45:53 AM
Creation date
10/15/2014 11:45:52 AM
Staff Report
Item Number
Proposed Fences, Walls, Gates and Columns Ordinance 10-1.507
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Planning Commission <br /> November 13,2003 <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> The current fence code (Table 1) specifies general standards for height and location of walls and <br /> fencing. <br /> .g <br /> Table 1. Current code section for Fences <br /> Section 10-1.504. Height <br /> (d) Walls and fences. Walls or fences (herein referred to collectively as "fences") shall not <br /> exceed a maximum height of six (6) feet when located between setback lines and property lines, <br /> provided, however, the height of any fence along a road shall be determined by the openness of <br /> the fence and its distance from a "reference line," and provided, further, that no fence shall be <br /> erected on the roadway side of the "reference line." <br /> (1)The "reference line" for.a fence along any road shall be: <br /> (i) The existing right-of-way boundary line, or <br /> (ii) A line located thirty (30') feet from the centerline of the right-of-way of the <br /> road, whichever is farthest from the centerline of the road. <br /> (2)The maximum height of a fence erected on the "reference line" for that <br /> fence shall be: <br /> (i) Three (3') feet for a fence with less than fifty (50%) percent open area (when <br /> viewed perpendicular to the plane of the fence). <br /> (ii) Four and one-half(4 1/z) feet for a fence with no less than fifty (50%) percent <br /> open area. <br /> (3)The maximum height of a fence erected on the property side of the "reference line" <br /> may be increased by one (P) foot for each ten (10') feet the location of the fence is <br /> moved from the "reference line" for that fence, provided, however, no fence shall <br /> exceed a maximum height of six (6) feet when located between the "reference line" for <br /> that fence and the structural setback line for the property on which the fence is located. <br /> (4)Walls or fences shall not exceed a maximum height of three (3') feet in an area <br /> bounded by the center line of intersecting roads or easements for vehicular access, <br /> public or private and a straight line joining points on such center lines eighty (80') feet <br /> distant from their intersection in order to provide an unobstructed view of approaching <br /> traffic on the intersecting roads. The Planning Commission may prescribe greater <br /> restrictions than the height set froth in this paragraph where unusual conditions make <br /> such additional restrictions desirable in the interests of the public safety. <br /> The proposed fence ordinance in Table 2 utilizes the same height and location standards as the <br /> current fence code but also provides definitions of the terms used and specifies the type of fence, <br /> either open or solid, and includes entry gates and columns as elements of a fence. Deer fencing, <br /> fence color, and prohibited fence types are each included as separate subsections of the proposed <br /> fence ordinance. <br /> Although a fence is defined as a structure in the definitions of the Zoning Code, no building <br /> permit is required for a fence 6' or less in height. However, an electrical permit is required from <br /> the Building Department for the installation of an automatic gate opener; and therefore, is <br /> referenced in regulation 41 regarding fences, walls, gates, and columns. <br />
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