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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 22, 2004
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/15/2014 1:53:12 PM
Creation date
10/15/2014 1:53:11 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Site Development Permit for a Landscape Screening Plan; Lands of Kerns; File #225-03-ZP-SD
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II <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Approved 7/26/00 <br /> July 12, 2000 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Jeff Peterson City Engineer, discussed the driveway design noting it has been a longProce <br /> ss. <br /> The issues have come down to the turning radii and impact on trees and grades versus retaining <br /> walls. The project has met engineering requirements but not planning issues. Engineering and <br /> planning had both listed their limits. The applicant first tried to meet both requirements with <br /> difficulty. So they tried to meet engineering requirements however, the retaining wall heights in <br /> some areas were beyond what the planning department would support. Town staff cannot come <br /> before the Council in a fractured manner so the previous staff report recommended denial. Now <br /> you have a different staff and a different perspective. Looking at the project, the current <br /> planning department felt the project, in general, was supportable and could be mitigated by <br /> vegetation and landscaping. From an engineering standpoint, the project is approvable. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, indicated that the Committee has opposed <br /> the project from the beginning. She discussed the rare plant life which has not been seen before. <br /> The issue is not about the applicants but about the Town's children and the future of the Town. <br /> This area is a jewel. <br /> Scott Vanderlip, Pathways Committee, would like to keep the proposed pathway, working with <br /> the Open Space District, for the realignment. Because they had the support from the applicants <br /> previously, he was not aware until he read the July 5a' letter that they were requesting the <br /> deletion of the pathway request. The Pathway Committee has not had an opportunity to discuss <br /> any alternatives to the recommendations. They would be willing to work with the applicants. <br /> Sharon Shumate, 25765 Bassett Lane, asked for clarification regarding the pathway location. <br /> Bill Maston described the pathway proposal using the model of the site. The original easement <br /> was a straight line. The issue was if this was the right alignment. The pathway was always <br /> shown sharing the road alignment up the hill. <br /> Nancy Ewald, Pathways Committee, supports the pathway going through the property <br /> connecting to the open space. The committee would be happy to work with the applicants <br /> regarding placement. As a resident, she would have never seen this property. She was surprised <br /> it was a two story on a ridge. She felt the noticing process should be expanded for a project such <br /> as this. <br /> Bill Maston concluded by stating "let's uphold what was intended." He provided the original <br /> Tentative Map which was approved in 1988 and was found to be consistent with the General <br /> Plan. It created a exception to a conservation easement to allow building on the top site and <br /> limited to a one story structure. If it were not following the General Plan, how was it approved <br /> in 1988. This is a unique site, over 22 acres with most of it considered in a conservation <br /> easement. By definition, this is a one story house stepping down the hill to conform with the <br /> slope. There are other houses in the area higher than this project. <br /> Sharon Shumate, 25765 Bassett Lane, noted that she and Peter Nieh took time today to talk to <br /> people in the area and put together a letter which will be faxed to the members. They are <br /> opposed to the development, quoting Section 10.2-201. She is working on a further petition <br /> which will be submitted at a later date. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />
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