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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 22, 2004
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Last modified
10/15/2014 1:53:12 PM
Creation date
10/15/2014 1:53:11 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Site Development Permit for a Landscape Screening Plan; Lands of Kerns; File #225-03-ZP-SD
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-Planning Commission Minutes Approved 7/26/00 <br /> July 12, 2000 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Commissioner Vitu appreciated the concerns expressed but they need to look at the original <br /> subdivision and the approved building site and the fact that 18 acres are in a conservation <br /> easement. The applicants have done a good job trying to minimize the impact on the site. She <br /> felt the house was low profile and they have certainly been through much effort trying to have <br /> the driveway meet the engineering criteria and the retaining walls meet the planning department <br /> criteria. Regarding the reduction in square footage, her understanding was that the increase was <br /> to include the water tank which is considered desirable. Regarding the pathway, she was <br /> concerned that there was uncontrolled public access very close to their home and would be <br /> sympathetic for a relocation. Regarding grading moratorium and storm drain, she felt the <br /> applicants could work with staff. She was not sure about the grading needing to be completed by <br /> July 1St but if staff was convinced that it could be accomplished in time, it would be agreeable. <br /> Commissioner Cottrell stated that this is an approved lot with two building sites. He believes in <br /> preserving ridgelines but landscaping will mitigate the house and driveway. He knows the road <br /> is a challenge but they have the fire department's okay. They have heard that the engineering <br /> can be solved but with high retaining walls. He could support the project. <br /> Commissioner Wong also moved to the town for the rustic atmosphere. Looking at the house, <br /> the issue is consistent with the General Plan and objective by treating everyone fairly. When <br /> building, you are going to see neighbors. The Town approved this as a building site. He felt this <br /> was consistent with the General Plan and meets codes. There is no reason to deny the project. <br /> The landscape plan will mitigate the site. He also agreed to realign the pathway. <br /> Commissioner Clow agreed with the previous comments. The original approval indicates there <br /> was a building site on the upper site. The applicants have done everything they can do to make <br /> the project as compatible with the area and surrounding neighbors as possible. The argument <br /> regarding grading earlier to get the mitigating vegetation in place during the winter is a good <br /> one. He is not in favor of the off road pathway but if they have a pathway he would hope it <br /> would be realigned. <br /> Chairman Gottlieb noted that they do not allow nine foot retaining walls. Staff mentioned in <br /> previous reports that it was the total earth that will be moved and all the retaining walls which <br /> were the problem. Also, on a ridgeline, there should be a single story house. This will be <br /> extremely visible to surrounding areas. Originally they were to have a house on either the top or <br /> lower site. The approved lower site house is not compatible with the upper site (defacto <br /> subdivision). The secondary dwelling should be subordinate and compatible with the main <br /> residence. The applicants had a choice of either building at the top of the hill or the bottom but <br /> not on both. She did not feel this was in keeping with the General Plan or ordinances. If <br /> approved she asked that the landscape plan return to the Planning Commission for review and <br /> approval. She was in favor of the staff recommendation for grading no later than July 1St and <br /> asked staff for an explanation of the request which was answered by Jeff Peterson. He indicated <br /> that the recommendation was a practical issue. He reviewed the cut and fill, the retaining walls, <br /> and the width of the road indicating it was very optimistic to think they could complete the <br /> grading in two months. The basis for the condition was due to the big job and it would be better <br /> to have a good long construction season rather than starting at the end of a construction season. <br /> Regarding condition#1 (drainage), he has no problem working with the applicants to see if there <br />
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