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Planning Commission Minutes Approved 7/26/00 <br /> July 12, 2000 <br /> Page 8 <br /> are other options. The paved area on the site will create essentially 100% runoff. As mentioned <br /> earlier, there is a fair amount of loose soil on top of the surface that erodes very easily. The <br /> entire reason for the recommendation and condition to pipe to the bottom is that it would be <br /> extremely difficult to show that the storm drainage could be handled without creating erosion <br /> problems. He also referred to the old large landslide on the Adobe Creek subdivision. Again, he <br /> would be happy to work with the applicants. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the location of the conservation easement explained by <br /> Susan Roberts. Staff noted that no action regarding the exception to the conservation easement <br /> would be taken, only a recommendation to the City Council. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Clow and seconded by <br /> Commissioner Wong to delete condition#3 wording regarding the July 1St grading date. <br /> AYES: Commissioners Vitu, Wong & Clow <br /> NOES: Chairman Gottlieb &Commissioner Cottrell <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Cottrell and seconded by <br /> Commissioner Clow to approve the Site Development Permit for a new residence, and <br /> recommend approval to the City Council for an exception to an existing conservation easement <br /> to allow part of the driveway to encroach into the easement, Lands of Kerns, 11890 Francemont <br /> Court, with the following additions/changes to the conditions of approval: condition#1, add that <br /> other storm drain systems may be proposed by the applicant subject to review and approval by <br /> the City Engineer; delete conditions #3 and addition the standard condition regarding grading <br /> and drainage and the grading moratorium (November 1 to April 1); condition#4, change to state <br /> that the applicant shall work with the Pathway Committee and Mid Peninsula Open Space <br /> District to locate an appropriate pathway that routes to the Duvenick Open Space Preserve. <br /> Appropriate easement grant documents and exhibits shall be signed and notarized by the <br /> property owner and the pathway shall be constructed prior to final inspection.; condition #7, <br /> change "Site Development" hearing to "Planning Commission" hearing; condition #8, add that <br /> the amount shall be determined by the Planning Commission and may exceed $5,000; and <br /> condition #18, adding that the applicant shall take all measures as determined necessary by the <br /> City Engineer to mitigate traffic impacts on neighbors. <br /> AYES: Commissioners Vitu, Cottrell, Wong & Clow <br /> NOES: Chairman Gottlieb <br /> This approval will be subject to a 22 day appeal period. The exception to the conservation <br /> easement will be scheduled for a City Council agenda. <br /> Brief break at 10:00 p.m. <br /> 3.3 LANDS OF COTTRELL, 13480 North Fork Lane (325-99-TM- GD-ND); A <br /> request for approval of a two lot subdivision of 7.75 acres, and proposed <br /> Mitigated Negative Declaration. <br /> Staff had nothing further to add. Commissioner Cottrell stepped down from the hearing. <br />