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v ATTACHMENT <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Approved 7/26/00 <br /> July 12, 2000 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 3.2 LANDS OF KERNS, 11890 Francemont Court (106-00-ZP-SD-GD); A request <br /> for a Site Development Permit for a new residence, and an exception to an <br /> existing conservation easement to allow part of the driveway to encroach into the <br /> easement. <br /> Staff had nothing further to add to the report. Jeff Peterson, City Engineer, discussed the <br /> driveway design which is essentially the same as presented a year ago. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Bill Maston, 384 Castro Street, Mountain View, project architect, suggested focusing on specific <br /> questions after Susan Roberts,project engineer, addresses the driveway design. <br /> Susan Roberts, Giuliani & Kull, project engineer, noted that the driveway alignment is basically <br /> the same as presented a year ago. They have looked at many alternatives to meet Town code, <br /> fire department requirements, and the Town grading policy. The criteria given by the former <br /> Planning Director and Jeff Peterson was that the maximum slope would be 15% but a slope up to <br /> 18 1/i% would be acceptable. They are presenting a driveway which varies in slope between <br /> 16.7% to 18 1/z % for small portions. The proposal is for slopes that meet the criteria with some <br /> retaining walls that, in most areas, are within the five foot maximum height range with the <br /> exception of the area down at the bottom by first turn. The reason being, given the fire <br /> department minimum turning radii, they had to cut into the hillside in that location with retaining <br /> walls that vary up to nine feet in height but the nine feet is for a very limited section. Chairman <br /> Gottlieb asked if it would help with the slope of the driveway in the nine foot area to have <br /> brought the driveway through the lower parcel and up? Ms. Roberts responded no due to a grade <br /> that would inhibit access of that slope. Chairman Gottlieb asked if there was any geotechnical <br /> work done on the proposed steep driveway? Ms. Roberts responded yes. Their geotechnical <br /> engineer has reviewed the plans. They will use peers under the retaining walls particularly in <br /> areas of oak trees. <br /> Mr. Maston continued by discussing the upper and lower retaining walls and where the old road <br /> is located which will be re-vegetated providing more screening than currently exists. He further <br /> discussed the re-vegetation as shown on the model. As a condition of approval they will <br /> eventually return with a complete re-vegetation plan for approval. The goal is to mitigate and <br /> hide the retaining walls. Currently you can not see the road. The area of 18% slope was <br /> discussed (first and second turnout). They have a 14 foot road section which is quite wide <br /> though it is required and with the turnouts, sections 20 feet wide. They are very comfortable <br /> with safety margins for pedestrians, etc. <br /> Commissioner Clow was concerned with one 16" oak tree. It appears that what would need to be <br /> done is removing the trunk when it arches back over because it would probably get in the way of <br /> a fire truck. He felt the main trunk was savable and it would be feasible to have more screening <br /> from down below by having the oak tree remain. Ms. Roberts noted that it was their goal to save <br /> as many oak trees as possible. This tree in particular is at the limits of the work they will be <br /> doing. If, during construction, they can move things a little bit away from the tree, they will. <br />