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Planning Commission Minutes Approved 7/26/00 <br /> July 12, 2000 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Mr. Maston provided supplemental information in the way of a handout regarding trees as they <br /> relate to the driveway. He felt between making moderate adjustments in the field and working <br /> with the fire department they will be doing everything they can to save the trees. He further <br /> discussed off-site views of the road and screening by planting on both sides of the "S" curve <br /> which allows them to block the views of the road due to the serpentine layout which will <br /> eventually help them with a landscape plan. They feel comfortable that the future approval <br /> process will create mitigation landscape screening. He.further addressed a previous concern <br /> regarding the possibility of reducing the square footage of the upper site house to reduce its <br /> impact. As a result they have provided an alternate plan which would eliminate 387 square feet <br /> from the house as summarized on A-4. He reminded the Commission that there was a petition of <br /> 180 supporters previously and an additional 10 letters of endorsement received. They have gone <br /> through an exhausted effort to gain the support of neighbors. He further discussed the pathway <br /> at the top of the hill. He referred to the plans showing the pathway which would follow the road <br /> alignment until it reached the upper portion than drifting out as it has no place to go at the <br /> moment and there is a concern by neighbors and the Open Space District the appropriateness of <br /> this trail and where it will go. The original intention was for it to go to the Open Space District. <br /> Yet no one wants it to as then it becomes an uncontrolled access (and unsupervised) to the open <br /> space. They are proposing eliminating the pathway on the upper site, to limit the pathway to <br /> where it is currently shown on the previous approval at the bottom of the lower site at <br /> Francemont Court. He referred to the letter from the Open Space District, in particular, the <br /> inappropriateness of having this house on top of the hill. Eighteen acres of open space have been <br /> dedicated and the General Plan approved the upper site as a buildable site with an exception to <br /> the conservation easement to allow this to happen. Regarding the conservation easement, they <br /> are not proposing to encroach into the conservation easement but to realign it so that there is no <br /> net gain. Should they take the approach that this is not a feasible option he can work with Mr. <br /> Cahill on language identifying a general location of the pathway by centerline on the map. In <br /> this way the centerline of the pathway is established first and the final document for the easement <br /> description is filed after the trail is actually built. This allows the surveyors to use the trail for <br /> the final layout of the map. This has worked well in Portola Valley and he felt it would work <br /> well here. Options are eliminating the pathway or if required, the simplistic way of laying out <br /> the pathway in the field. He continued by discussing condition#1. He suggested modifying it to <br /> work with staff and the Town Engineer to further investigate alternative ways to address the <br /> drainage without taking all the water down to the creek. It is obvious that it has never gone there <br /> before and the road alignment has been in place for 40 years. There is a minor concern from <br /> their arborist that if they take too much water away from the hillside it could effect the existing <br /> native vegetation. Their concern is how they can come up with a drainage plan that evenly <br /> disperses the water on the hillside without creating erosion. They would like the opportunity to <br /> work with staff if this is a possibility and if not will accept the condition as originally proposed. <br /> Regarding condition #3, regarding the grading moratorium, the contractor felt the grading was a <br /> 6 to 8 week job. If they can start by September 1St and be completed by November 1St, than this <br /> is not an issue. They have a Site Development permit for the lower site and they would like to <br /> attach the grading of the upper site with the site permit for the lower site. This would include the <br /> retaining walls, the road and erosion control in place; not the final concrete apron because they <br /> would want to keep that in gravel through the winter otherwise they would sustain too much <br /> damage to the concrete from construction crews. They estimate 8 to 9 weeks for completed <br /> roads, retaining walls and building pad. As a part of the conditions, they would be happy to <br /> plant the major trees now with the smaller landscaping postponed to a later date. He further <br />