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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> February 12, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> with traffic engineers so it will result in a safe intersection. Regarding the variance, the Planning <br /> Director noted that almost half of the lot is less than 90 feet in width. To observe two 30 foot <br /> setbacks to install all the parking in that area is just about impossible. He further noted the <br /> concerns of one neighbor, Mark Breier, regarding the use of power tools, requesting that they not <br /> be used prior to the hour of 8:00 a.m., which is consistent with the Municipal Code. This request <br /> includes trash pickup. Staff will do whatever they can to make sure the pickups are after 8:00 <br /> a.m. For the record, the noted request is as follows and will be added to the conditions of <br /> approval for the use permit: <br /> "Pursuant to Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Section 5-7-.03, outdoor maintenance <br /> and improvements on Town Hall premises that require the operation of power tools <br /> shall be limited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and sunset on any Monday through <br /> Friday or between 9:00 a.m. and sunset on any Saturday and Sunday. Trash pickups <br /> on Town Hall premises shall be scheduled not earlier than 8:00 a.m. If trash pickups <br /> occur prior to 8:00 a.m., the Town shall have 10 days to work with the hauler to <br /> resume scheduled pickups on or after 8:00 a.m. or within 30 days, schedule a public <br /> hearing for a conditional use permit review." <br /> Discussion ensued regarding pathways which are indicated on the plans and are referenced in the <br /> conditions of approval. It was noted by the project architect that the alignments may be slightly <br /> shifted around. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Peter Duxbury, project architect, discussed the existing parking lot and the changes made for <br /> better use which included parking for 12-14 cars in the overflow area, when needed. He was <br /> available for questions. <br /> An unidentified neighbor asked when the Esperanza Drive entrance would be eliminated and <br /> would there be screening in that area. Mr. Duxbury responded that there will be a landscape plan <br /> submitted at a later time. He would suggest extending the Redwood grove plus Pine trees <br /> currently existing behind the Water District building which will be a nice backdrop to the new <br /> Town Hall. There has not been any landscape plans for the Esperanza Drive area as yet and <br /> there has been talk regarding the area being used for the future Water District building. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the air conditioning units for the new Town Hall and Council <br /> Chambers which was explained by Peter Duxbury indicating locations on the diagram being <br /> reviewed. They will be working with an acoustical engineer regarding decibel levels per the <br /> Town noise ordinance. <br /> Maurie Johnson, Board member of the Purissima Hills Water District, stated the District and <br /> Council are very close to signing an agreement to lease the Esperanza Drive area being discussed <br /> and the building will shut down the Esperanza Drive entrance. They have been working on the <br /> agreement with the Town for over a year and he feels they have finally come to a reasonable <br /> agreeament. They will try to make the Water District office building, which will include the <br /> control center, compatible with the new Town Hall. The timetable for the construction of the <br /> Water District building is unknown until the agreement has been signed. They would prefer to <br />