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Planning Commission Packets
April 8, 2004
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Staff Report
Item Number
Draft Meeting Minutes March 11, 2004
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L <br /> DRAFT <br /> PlanningCommission Minutes .. <br /> , <br /> March 11, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> windows on the southwest side of the addition including a deck which is on the opposite side of <br /> the Chan's property. The intent was that the windows directly facing the Chan's property, not the <br /> ones on the side (southeast). Commissioner Kerns reviewed the original landscape screening <br /> plan and noted that some of the trees were not installed. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mr. Mehta, 14293 Saddle Mountain Drive, applicant, felt the three trees on the Chan property <br /> were already blocking the views of his second story addition. Three additional trees would not <br /> provide any additional blockage. He does not propose to add any trees to the front of the <br /> building. Regarding the windows, Mr. Mehta felt they are too narrow and do not look good on a <br /> residence. He is proposing to install a fixed window underneath the one foot deep window with <br /> opaque/obscure glass similar to the one approved. This would provide some sunlight and still <br /> provide privacy. Also, Mr. Mehta felt that the inside stairway leading to the second story is very <br /> dark. He is proposing to add one small solar lens skylight. He would also like to change the <br /> windows on the southeast side of the addition which do not face the Chan's property. <br /> Allison Flynn, 44444 Rock Island Drive, Antioch, original landscape architect in 1989, stated <br /> that originally the trees were not the issue; it was ground cover required for erosion control. <br /> When drafting the plan she did not communicate with the owner to make sure that the trees were <br /> actually existing on the east side of the property. When she took the photos of the oak trees in <br /> front of the Chan's residence and marked it on the landscape plan, she noted that they were very <br /> young oak trees and felt that in five years they would thoroughly provide screening. Their <br /> potential is 40 feet high. This is why she felt additional landscaping would not provide any more <br /> privacy but just add more trees. She further discussed the size of the recommended 24" box trees <br /> which could be a size of 12 feet in height and 5 feet in width. <br /> Discussion ensued. Commissioner Mordo asked for clarification regarding the three trees shown <br /> on the plan along the driveway between the applicant's property and the Chan's property asking if <br /> they currently exist. Ms. Flynn responded no. They were the trees that were proposed by the <br /> architect a year ago for possible screening. They are not currently proposing these three trees as <br /> shown on the plan. They are only proposing one tree in front of the building. Commissioner <br /> Mordo noted that they do not have a plan of what is currently being proposed. The plan <br /> indicates three camphor trees in the front (24" box) as well as five 5-gallon bamboo shrubs. Ms. <br /> Flynn clarified that they are showing an alternate plan; however their preference is not to put the <br /> trees in. Chairman Clow noted that what the applicant has submitted for a landscape plan <br /> indicates three trees in front of the house. Mr. Mehta felt they were not needed since the Chan's <br /> trees provide adequate screening. Commissioner Mordo noted the Environmental Design <br /> Committee's request for one additional tree next to the garage side. Staff is requiring the three <br /> trees as proposed plus the additional tree by the garage. <br /> Stephan Chan, 14295 Saddle Mountain Drive, provided written comments for review. He <br /> discussed his existing three trees which are 6 1/z years old. Regarding the landscape screening <br /> plan, he agrees with the staff report that an additional tree is needed by the garage at a location <br /> that would shield light emission towards his property from the second story side windows. <br /> Further suggestions as follows: all trees facing their property be evergreen; add shrubs of <br />
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