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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> March 11, 2004 <br /> Page 3 <br /> sufficient height to shield auto headlights along the property line in front of the garage; conform <br /> with the February 1987 Site Development Permit where two trees are specified in his front <br /> planter (condition #3); and at least four trees to be placed on his property at applicant's expense, <br /> to "fill in the gaps". He further discussed the photos taken by Commissioner Mordo itemizing <br /> gaps. His landscaping was not installed to screen a two story addition. All trees on either side <br /> should be 24" box trees, since immediate screening is critical. He suggested that the applicant <br /> place on deposit with the Town funds he could use for the planting of four additional trees on his <br /> property. He further discussed condition #1 requesting his name be noted in the condition as <br /> well as the direction. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, stated that the trees in the back of the <br /> residence which have been crossed out on the plans are needed as well as the tree by the new <br /> garage for mitigation. She suggested an alternative for the windows by using glass blocks which <br /> would let the sun in but provide privacy (cannot open) as long as there was adequate mitigation <br /> for the Chan's property. She stated Redwood trees grow quickly, if camphor trees are not <br /> available for the side of the garage area, and perhaps the two trees at the very end toward the <br /> 'back yard of the Chan's. She did not agree with Ms. Flynn' statement regarding the growth rate <br /> of the camphor trees indicating that they are typically 10 feet in height and 3 1/z to 4 feet in width <br /> at the most. <br /> Dot Schreiner, Saddle Mountain Drive, spoke at the Planning Commission and City Council <br /> hearings regarding this project. She is requesting that the conditions not be changed, in <br /> particular, the size of the windows. She also referred to the light emanating from the inside of <br /> the two houses (Lee &Mehta). The more glass, the greater the light source. <br /> Alyson Flynn discussed the size of camphor trees and their rate of growth. <br /> Amy Chan, 14295 Saddle Mountain Drive, stated that when they were building their house, they <br /> had to move the site of the house 17 feet to comply with Mr. Mehta's request so they would not <br /> face his living area. Now the Mehta's are building directly facing their house. Also, during their <br /> building process, the Mehta's demanded changes to the size, shape and roof line of the residence <br /> as well as additional setbacks. Now that the Mehta's are remodeling, they do not see the same <br /> cooperation with minimal communication. She felt the integrity of the Planning Commission is <br /> being challenged. If the permit that the Mehta's obtained was approved by both the Planning <br /> Commission and the City Council, how can they now go back and ask for changes that have the <br /> biggest impact on their privacy and light pollution. She requested that the Planning Commission <br /> uphold the final conditions set forth by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. <br /> Regarding the glass block suggestion, she is opposed due to the light pollution. <br /> Mr. Chan stated they would prefer camphor's of larger size,not redwood. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Mordo referred to the construction of the Mehta's one story house which was built <br /> prior to the Chan's house which was approved as a one story residence also. The Mehta's were <br /> allowed a 30 foot setback in the front property area so they are 10 feet closer to the Chan's than <br />