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Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> Thursday, May 13, 2004, 7:00 p.m. <br /> Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br /> cc: Cassettes ( 1 )#7-04 <br /> 1. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> The Planning Commission regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br /> Chambers at Town Hall. <br /> Present: Chairman Clow, Commissioners Mordo, Vitu, Cottrell &Kerns <br /> Staff: Debbie Pedro, Associate Planner; Dave Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Lani Smith, <br /> Planning Secretary <br /> 2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR-none <br /> 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 3.1 LANDS OF PINEWOOD SCHOOL, 26800 Fremont Road (85-03-ZP-SD-CUP); <br /> A request to modify a Site Development Permit Condition to dedicate a 17.5 foot <br /> wide pathway easement on the southwest side of the property. (Staff-Debbie <br /> Pedro) <br /> Staff introduced this item by providing a brief background of the project and the approval of the <br /> Conditional Use Permit amendment and a Site Development Permit for the installation of a <br /> synthetic turf soccer field at Pinewood School. Condition of approval #10 required the <br /> dedication of a 17.5' wide pathway easement along the southwest edge of the school. This off- <br /> road path was established a number of years ago and is widely used by students as well as the <br /> general public to access the school and provides a connection to the adjoining neighborhoods <br /> between Ortega Drive and Ascension Drive. However, the Palo Alto Unified School District <br /> indicated that they did not wish to grant a pathway easement to the Town as required as they did <br /> not wish to be bound by any easement agreement beyond the term of the Pinewood School lease. <br /> As an alternative to the pathway easement dedication, Pinewood is proposing a License <br /> Agreement that would allow public access to the path. The Agreement would essentially give <br /> the Town a contractual right for the use of the path as long as Pinewood is a tenant on the <br /> property. According to the Agreement, when Pinewood terminates their lease with the School <br /> cue the path will expire. The Pathway Committee reviewed the <br /> District, the License for public s of <br /> P P P Y <br /> permit modification request at their April 26th meeting and agreed to accept a License Agreement <br /> from Pinewood School subject to the following: 1) The License Agreement has been reviewed <br /> and found acceptable by the City Attorney; and 2) To confirm that Pinewood School has the <br /> right to create such a License Agreement, given they are not the property owners. This <br /> agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney and was found acceptable. However, it is <br />