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a <br /> Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> April 8, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> unclear whether the school has the authority to provide such a license without prior approval by <br /> the landlord (Palo Alto Unified School District). Pinewood was asked to provide the Town with <br /> something in writing from the School District indicating the issuance of the license would not be <br /> a violation of their lease. This afternoon, Pinewood was able to obtain a letter from the School <br /> District indicating the issuance of the license would not breach the terms of their lease <br /> agreement. A copy of the letter was provided to the Commissioners. This means that Pinewood <br /> is able to meet the conditions of the Pathway Committee and the Committee would recommend <br /> approval of the propose License Agreement. <br /> Commissioner Mordo asked what would happen when the lease expires and/or terminated and <br /> would Pinewood get to keep the synthetic turf field? <br /> David Warner, Assistant City Attorney responded stating you have an applicant who came to the <br /> Commission with the consent of the owner of the property for the right to put the field in. The <br /> condition originally was the granting of an easement which would have been permanent. <br /> Instead, because Pinewood cannot secure the easement, they have only the ability to offer a <br /> license across the property which, at least while they will be in this location, it will serve the <br /> purpose which is public access. When the lease expires, the field would have a right to remain as <br /> long as the conditions of this permit are in place (access continues). The field would still be <br /> conditioned on access of the pathway. The License Agreement is only with Pinewood School. If <br /> Pinewood School were to leave and someone else was not willing to enter into a License <br /> Agreement then the condition would fail and the Town would have to pursue it in some degree. <br /> Chairman Clow asked, assuming the lease is renewed, will the license renew along with it? Mr. <br /> Warner stated, according to the recent letter from the School District, they refer to the Lease <br /> Agreement between Creative Center and the School District. They do not refer to renewals of <br /> that Lease Agreement. <br /> Commissioner Vitu questioned a prescriptive easement since this has been used as a pathway. <br /> Mr. Warner stated you cannot have a prescriptive easement over public property. He further <br /> discussed nexus which is an issue which is litigated all over the country and different courts have <br /> different interpretations. It use to be very easy for Towns to make the argument that all sorts of <br /> things had nexus. The Supreme Court started narrowing that interpretation. The School District <br /> is making an argument that an easement over this pathway has nothing to do with the new <br /> Astroturf field. To counter this thought, he noted that the staff has made significant findings that <br /> indeed the use of that pathway is necessary for that field, and has been necessary for a number of <br /> years. The idea and understanding is that the field is being changed to Astroturf so it can get <br /> even more use which means there will be even more use of that pathway which is a definite <br /> connector. It makes an argument that nexus prevails. <br /> Commissioner Cottrell stated that the pathway has been in use for more than 25 years which runs <br /> along a creek bank, and a utility easement noting nothing would ever happen to the pathway. <br /> Ms. Pedro stated there is also a storm drain easement, plus a public utility easement and the <br /> restriction of no construction within 25 feet from top of creek bank. <br />