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The Zoning Ordinance currently requires that public schools obtain a conditional use permit. <br />However, State law allows school districts to exempt themselves from local zoning ordinances <br />subject to a 2/3 affirmative vote of the district. <br />Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 7 "Residential -Agricultural District (R -A)", Section 10-1.703(g) is <br />proposed to read as follows: <br />Private Schools (where designated on the General Plan Land Use Diagram); <br />Staff also reviewed the possibility of establishing a separate zone district for institutional uses. <br />However, a review of the General Plan indicates that institutional uses and structures are <br />expected to conform to residential development standards and be the minimum number <br />necessary to serve the community. As a matter of practice, the Town has consistently applied <br />residential development standards to previously approved institutional projects including the new <br />Town Hali. <br />CEOA REVIEW <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance have been determined to be exempt from <br />CEQA. This activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which <br />have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with <br />certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on <br />the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. The proposed amendment to Title 10, <br />Chapter 1, Article 2 "Definitions" merely defines certain land uses that are already conditionally <br />allowed on certain properties where designated by the General Plan Diagram. The proposed <br />amendment to Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 7 `Residential -Agricultural District (R -A)" is intended <br />to remedy an inconsistency between the Town Zoning Ordinance and General Plan. No new <br />land use, land development or expansion of existing development is proposed. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1. Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 2 "Definitions" as amended. <br />2. Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 7 "Residential -Agricultural District (R -A)" as amended. <br />