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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 10 <br />hill neighbors who would not have received a notice but will be impacted by the tower. She is <br />unable to support this project. <br />Commissioner Cottrell was troubled with this application. He knows that Jim has been of great <br />service to the Town. This project has been presented by many of the ham operators, as being <br />vital to the Town's emergency systems. If this is the case, he would like to see what the <br />emergency plan for the Town is. If the Town is truly concerned about emergency response <br />perhaps they should have an even bigger antenna at the Town Hall. It does not have to be on <br />someone's private property. He has not heard any plan for the use of repeaters in Town. <br />Councilmember Fenwick has an antenna on his property so he could probably cover the west <br />side of the Town. He would like to see the combined coverage of the hams in Town. An <br />earthquake can hit Jim's house as easily as anyone else's. He was not prepared to even accept <br />this application (not enough data) in light of the Town's emergency requirements. He asked <br />what was an appropriate height for an antenna in a neighborhood? He was not clew why 106 <br />feet is necessary. The neighbor above has a problem with viewing this antenna. He is opposed <br />to the height of this antenna which at its highest is higher then Mr. Yu's living area. If they are to <br />compromise, he suggested 40-50 feet maximum in this situation. <br />Commissioner Clow concurred with the other Commissioners. He was also troubled with this <br />proposal. It would also have a substantial impact on property values of the neighbors. He felt <br />this project was not properly noticed. Typically, you have story poles to indicate what is being <br />proposed. There is a need to let people know what is being proposed. There would probably be <br />four times m many people here if someone had practically put up a 106 foot, 40 foot long <br />structure with orange netting on top so you could see what was being proposed. He was troubled <br />that it was not known if an environmental impact report is needed. He hoped there was a way to <br />just deny the project as proposed. He did not see an justification for public safety as there are <br />other facilities in Town. If they are forced to approve something, they must absolutely require <br />that it be fully retracted during daylight hours. At this point, he would concur with his fellow <br />Commissioners and deny the application. <br />Chairman Kerns also had concerns. From a legal point of view, he felt they cannot deny the <br />applicant something. The question is reasonable. He suggested moving the antenna down to the <br />flat area on the property, approving the application, having it return to the Commission once it is <br />installed for another public hearing to decide the maximum height. They can regulate the <br />maximum height. If the tower came in under 63 feet maximum total, this would not be heard <br />before the Planning Commission. He felt in order to see what this will look like, you need to put <br />up the antenna. <br />Steven Mattas noted that this project was properly noticed for the public hearing. <br />Mr. Abraham asked to restrict height during daylight hours and periods of darkness it could go <br />up to a higher elevation since no one will see it anyway. <br />