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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />Rudolph Alfinito, 25870 Westwind Way, 30 yew resident, addressed concems regarding the <br />Burger residence now under construction, in particular, the proposed 1,000 square foot pool. He <br />provided photographs of his residence which show how the Burgers residential construction <br />affected the inner wall of his master bedroom closet which started with the construction of the <br />Burger house. He stated that they have lateral and vertical soil movement noting any <br />construction should be considered and reviewed very carefully. To minimize the disturbance of <br />land, the proposed location of the pool should be on the easterly side of the house rather than the <br />proposed north side as shown on the grading map. He farther discussed his objections to the six <br />foot high wall which will wall him in like a prison. He provided a photograph taken from his <br />master bedroom to illustrate the height of the proposed wall/fence. This will block his view from <br />the master bedroom. His house was built in 1964. Piers all the way around the house were <br />constructed 15 years ago. A three foot high wall should be sufficient for the Burgers. A six foot <br />wall, proposed on the property line, would just wall him in like a prison. In conclusion, he stated <br />he had no problems with the trees. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the wall/fence which meets the code and the Commission having <br />the discretion to require a change in materials or a reduction in height. <br />Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, stated the plan indicates that the wall on <br />the north end of the property is not at the 30 foot setback. The Planning Director stated that there <br />are no 30 foot setback requirements for retaining walls, fences, rock walls, etc. She was <br />concerned that there would be two 6 foot walls, one on top of the other. It also takes away the <br />green belt effect that you normally have between properties. She questioned the accuracy of the <br />stated height of the two walls. <br />Bill Burger referred to the previous speakers comments regarding the north end of the property <br />stating the retaining wall there is set back from the property line. He tried to keep the retaining <br />wall as low as they possibly could. In the area where Mr. Alfinito's house is generally located, it <br />is 5 feet or less and it does conform to the plans provided. The retaining wall is in excess of 10 <br />feet from the property line. Their objective with the fence is to have separation and isolation <br />from his neighbor. He choose the concrete form pre -colored type of fence because he can install <br />it without going onto his neighbor's property and it will look good initially on both sides when <br />installed and he wanted something permanent. The pool area is the only private area on the lot <br />and the only area where he is proposing a solid fence. He discussed the history of the project <br />which included a signed agreement drafted by an attorney that he and Mr. Alfinito negotiated <br />and signed last October 21". Part of that agreement was that Mr. Burger move his house 10 feet <br />to the south as an accommodation to Mr. Alfinito. He also asked for and received at that time <br />Mr. Alfinito acknowledging Mr. Burger's right and his obligation to not interfere with his efforts <br />to build a proper fence between the two properties. The Commission reviewed the document, in <br />particular, #2, stating "Alfinito acknowledges that Burger has the right to install a new boundary <br />fence as near as possible to the common boundary line between the two above referenced <br />properties, taking into account trees that we in place". Mr. Burger is only asking for what people <br />normally have between their properties. Also, he felt Mr. Alfinito's pictures did not characterize <br />the situation. He also noted that when he first started the project, you could not even see out of <br />