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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />conditions of approval they did not recommend additional landscaping. Staff is not saying that <br />the Commission has to approve 106 foot antenna but they have to make reasonable <br />accommodations for the proposal. Regarding other antennas in Town, it was noted that they <br />have not hied to regulate the hours of operation although it would be a possibility in this case <br />which would constitute a reasonable accommodation. <br />Steven Mattas, City Attorney, stated that what the law requires is that you look at each <br />application with a view of reasonably accommodating the application. Commissioner Clow <br />asked if a 40 foot antenna would be considered reasonable. Mr. Mattas felt the Commission <br />should consider, based on all the information they have before them, coming to a reasonable <br />accommodation. It would be premature to come to a decision based only on the staff report <br />alone although a 40 foot antenna would be okay. <br />Commissioner Kerns asked if they have ever allowed an antenna mass within a setback on <br />properties. The Planning Director responded NO. There was one case where they required <br />someone to remove an antenna from out of the setback. Commissioner Kerns noted that this <br />antenna has elements on top of it that extend out a certain distance. Do the elements need to be <br />out of the setback or is it only the mast that needs to be out of the setback? The Planning <br />Director stated that if they view the antenna as a structure, it should not encroach into a setback <br />at any point, even the antenna itself. It was noted that the height is known but they do not know <br />how far the antennas extend. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked if there were any regulations relating to transmissions from an <br />antenna that might interfere with someone's TV, etc. The Planning Director noted that FDC <br />regulates those interference issues and there is an amateur radio association that helps monitor <br />and attempt to resolve those conflicts. <br />Steven Mattas noted that the standards of operation are regulated by Federal law. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Jim Abraham, 12831 Viscaino Road, prepared a power point presentation covering the following <br />subjects: building site; amateur radio operator for 39 years holding the highest license obtained <br />in amateur radio; community service involvement; Town volunteer chairing and a member of <br />many committees; amateur radio activities; reasons for antenna including emergency <br />communication needs; description of the 89 foot tower with a 17 foot mast with attached <br />antennas; safety considerations; wind loading capabilities of tower; antenna performance; no <br />encroachment within setbacks; simulated pictures of the tower and antenna from different views <br />of height; antenna height VHF/UHF ranges; view considerations for 12692 La Cresta Drive <br />locating the antenna as far as possible to the southwest; retractable antenna; boom on the largest <br />antenna is approximately 45 feet wide (20 feet by 40 feet long);. aerial view of the site; and <br />indicating the proposed antenna location. He noted 20 years ago before the trees were removed, <br />the view of the antenna would not have been an issue for Mr. Yu. He felt the complaints from <br />neighbors regarding this project were unmerited. He further discussed his efforts to minimize <br />the negative effects by locating the antenna to provide the least visual disturbance to the <br />